Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kyra - 09/22/00 05:41:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tv/spotlight/star.html
My Email:kyra_mee@angelfire.com
AIM nick: sorry i have icq

cool page!!! really neat! hey have u really made like real $$$ on ur programs? i always thought they were fake and tricks well um email me back soon ~bye now ~kyra icq: 77245735

Alex - 09/07/00 01:52:18
AIM nick: redfox9

Mariya is my bestest friend in the whole world!

Alex - 06/28/00 19:23:12
My URL:not finished creating mine
My Email:alex_barazin@hotmail.com
AIM nick: aleks1987

Hey Masha. Nice drawings. Hope you enjoy your summer. ttyl, Alex

Ghost - 05/20/00 17:27:56
My Email:Rider
AIM nick: ----


the butt crack from your child hood - 05/18/00 18:43:55
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/syla18
My Email:devilsdomain@hotmail.com
AIM nick: reyoum


ewwwww!!!! what kind of nasty thingy is that? you know what's even nastier? i heard SOMEONE licked that nasty shit. ewww!!! you wouldn't happen to know who that PERSON is would you? ewww!!!! yes so anyways, butt crack!!! nice page. where am ? i dont see me? oh soo sad. yes so anyways, i dont know what to really right cause im being forced, yeah thats right, some mean person is forcing me, you should hunt HER down and kick her ass. yeah so anyways, i'll do it again when i have something nice t say cause you know me, im not a nice person remember?

Steve - 05/18/00 17:37:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/bolnaya/
My Email:sjs@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: flipwhip

Cool web page... My web page is better though. You should check it out.

Alexander - 05/13/00 04:22:34

masha listen to the music.. do you hear it? the music is always there.. it's so beautiful it is hard to understand why some people ignore it. all these people contribute to this music of yours. i hope i will remain a part of your music, too.

Badreau - 04/29/00 05:43:43
My Email:Gnug007@yahoo.com
AIM nick: RUVain03

GReetings comrade, I was disappointed to see the 'Glenn Jocher Fan Club' didn't work... neither did the bottle of scotch, but who's complaining? (Proud to be the first person to sign TWICE!) Why is the mirror being to mean to me?!!?

Batman - 04/29/00 05:37:25

I'm Batman! Off to the batcave...

Glenn Jocher - 04/25/00 20:34:50
My URL:http://communities.msn.com/isapi/acssrv.dll?action=acwarning&c=&redir_url=%2Fisapi% Facssrv%2Edll%3Faction%3Dhomepage%26commid%3DGlennJocherFanClub
My Email:m033372@hotmail.com
AIM nick: USMarineSX

"I did not have sexual relations with that dog, snoopy." I don't know where the pictures came from but my lawyers are going to have a field day with this one...

Philip Zalesak - 04/24/00 22:36:34
My Email:zalesakp@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: Pzizzy

I love maria.

DUDE - 04/23/00 20:41:15
My Email:jjodnnll@uiuc.edu
AIM nick: armyjodonnell

HOws it goin Queen! This page is just a step to your conquest. Have fun and go CRAZY WILD!! SHIt the website monster it out to eat me, AHHHHH! ~psycho johnny

Will - 04/23/00 05:41:11
My URL:http://netcult.org/friday/thelist/43
My Email:cheezus@netcult.org
AIM nick: cheezus81

hmm, looks like it's getting trendy to sign your guestbook, I'd better do it too... hope you're having fun with the family, see you tomorrow. (rob, i like that aim nick. what do you think about napster?)

Rob - 04/20/00 05:55:29
My URL:http://www.blizzard.com
My Email:walumba@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: no

Bleh, what the hell did you expect to read here anyway!? Stop lookin at me!! Dammit why won't you go away! Alright, thats it, when I find you you are going to be sorry...

Jay - 04/19/00 23:45:26
My Email:jayk@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: Jay022780

She made me sign.. never refuse an angry Russian woman that can fit into glove compartments.. they'll get the KGB on yo' ass.. Trust me, it's happened before.. ~Jay

krad - 04/18/00 04:36:04
My URL:http://netcult.org/krad
My Email:krad@netcult.org
AIM nick: n0jokeg

Hey Mariya nice page and stuff!

Badreau - 04/17/00 05:43:48
My Email:Gnug007@yahoo.com
AIM nick: RUVain03

hey there sexy, what's up in MD... everythings cool here in NJ, I think I'm going to a concert on the 2nd of may (reading day before finals) with 3 doors down, Might Might bosstones, and POD... (it costs 92 cents! (plus ticketmaster charges) and then I ha e the chilli cookoff... I really want to go to HFS this year as well. I went to springfest here at rutgers yesterday (saturday the 15th) and saw the 10,000 maniacs... and got to go on the titanic slide. It was cool (and I got a shirt for helping clean up the electrical stuff fromt he stage when they were donw) and free dinn r at fridays... it was cool. there was also this thing where you have an elastic rope tied to you and you run away from where it's attached to a air bounch thing, then the tension builds and you go flying back. And you can't forget the velcro wall... All n all a great time! Well I hope your having fun (and not spending too much time on studing and work) Good luck ok Finals later! (and I hope you can come to some concerts with me over the summer) Later, Andrew Klawitter

The Original Josh - 04/17/00 05:41:54
My URL:http://www.spank.com
My Email:joshwalt2@hotmail.com
AIM nick: erotic yokel

I am a friend of Mariya. She asked me to sign this page. Unfortunately, it is on the computer, and my pen doesn't seem to be able to write on the screen too effectively. Oh well. *sigh*

The Great One - 04/15/00 22:01:27
My Email:mweiss@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: UofMDMatt

Whoa! how'd you get a webpage? Looking good Mariya.... ~Matt

Matt - 04/13/00 03:56:08
My Email:mhartman@wam.umd.edu
AIM nick: Lord Grokk

This is truly a remarkable web page. The craftswomenship is extremely effective and the pinnacle of my web viewing experience. The most intriguing example of how this series of pages compels me to write such a verbose comment lies within the sketches pa e, where one can find the drawn, deformed, toe of what must have been a car wreck victim.

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