judith - 11/22/99 08:18:21
My Email:judith@clara.co.uk

I am trying to send some photographs to Tatiana Doubskikh, headmistress of Kindergarten No. 12 (I believe). You will know how chance-y the postal service to Sverdlovsk oblast is. Can you receive pictures? It regards the British habit of having what is called "Lollipop" people to control traffic and protect children going to school. Can you receive photos of this activity? I have been to Zarechny in 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999 (September). I am sorry that my interest is in education and not science.

judith - 11/22/99 08:12:32


judith - 11/22/99 08:12:31


- 02/11/99 23:22:25


Cindy - 09/08/98 07:33:20
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Austin Conley - 05/22/98 21:37:02
My Email:Austin@namcores.com

I am traveling to the Urals ( Aseh in particular) on business in June. Please tell me a little of what I can expect. Thanks, Austin

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