Intro by VE1DX

An Introduction to the West Coast DX Bulletin Archive by Paul Dunphy, VE1DX.

MDXC 01-May-68

Debut Issue. This is the debut issue which was dubbed the MDXC Audio! It subsequently came to be know as the West Coast DX Bulletin.

WCDXB 11-Jul-68

Special Issue. The ARRL releases information on the settlement of the Don Miller, W9WNV, lawsuit.

WCDXB 08-Aug-72

Topics covered included Aves I., Trinidade, and the Deletion of Minerva/Maria Theresa.

WCDXB 05-Nov-74

Topics covered included Spratly, Bangladesh, Juan Fernandez, Serrana Bank, Oscar 7 Delayed

WCDXB 15-Apr-75

Topics covered included Cocos I. by TI2CF (now TI4CF), Bicentennial Call Signs, and mention of the politics leading up to the deletion of Sikkim (AC3) (which was indeed deleted 30 April 1975, two weeks after this issue.)

WCDXB 11-May-76

Topics covered included OKI-NO TORI SHIMA (aka Parece Vela or Douglas Reef), Sable Island, IRCs. . .

WCDXB 25-Apr-78

10'th Anniversary Issue! Topics covered included OH2BH's efforts to get YI on the air, DXAC/DXCC notes about Southern Sudan getting "counter" status, also 4U1UN about to get the nod as a new one.

WCDXB 13-Jun-79

Topics covered included Burma Rumors, Don Miller, Lists and 3'rd Party Traffic, Andaman Is., Heard I. (more Don Miller), Thailand, more. . .

WCDXB 18-Jul-79

Final Issue. Cass calls the gang together and announces that this will be the last issue. You simply must read Cass's farewell. All good things must someday end, and this was truly the end of an era. Topics in this issue also covered China, Market reef, Neutral Zone, Mt. Athos, and lots of final notes.

Hugh Cassidy's Picture (Courtesy of VE1DX)

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