FAMILY OF WILLIAM HOBBS (b.1811) (Hambleden, Bucks. - Christchurch, N.Z.)

William Hobbs (13-Jul-1811 to 26-May-1878)         (Father: Francis Hobbs )

                                                                                 (Mother: Ann Keith)

Annie Maria Streek (9-Oct-1808 to 20-Jul-1887)      (Father: John Streek, a builder of Shinfield, Berks.)

                                                                                 (Mother: Miriam Elisha, married 22 August 1799 )

Married:  6-Feb-1837  at St. Mary Church, Reading, Berkshire, England.

William Hobbs as a member of the Canterbury Vocal Union (~1860)


              William Alfred Hobbs (4-Mar-1838 to 12-Aug-1903)

              Anne Hobbs (13-Nov-1839 to 27-Dec-1900)

              Frederick Hobbs (17-Dec-1841 to 13-May-1920)

              Frank Hobbs (3-Dec-1844 to 20-Jan-1918)

This family moved from England to New Zealand in 1855.  The cost of the voyage for William's family of six was £110-0-0.  The following is an account of the voyage of the Caroline Agnes :

From the Lyttelton Times Saturday, August 18, 1855:

The Caroline Agnes, Captain Ferguson, 580 Tons, direct from England, with about 187 passengers (twelve of whom are children) all for the province, arrived Lyttelton yesterday afternoon. This vessel left England April 19. After passing the Bay of Biscay the Caroline Agnes exprienced head winds and heavy gales, which has retarded her passage. Four deaths took place during the voyage. We are compelled to postpone the publication particulars of her cargo till Wednesday.

From Lyttelton Times Monday, August 20, 1855:

Arrived August 17, ship Caroline Agnes, Captain Ferguson, 580 tons, Passengers:

Labourers - John Coe and wife, Walker, Goodrich, Going, Evans, Voght, Oliver, Maugher, Roach, Chalmers, J Watts, Dico, Brooks ,H Watts, McCormack, A and R Dann, Shiell, Gercken, Booth, Banks, Jones; Bell, wife and son; Gains, wife and son; Stokes, wife, two sons and two daughters; Evans, Brady and wife; A Maugher, wife, two sons, and daughter; Hobbs, wife and two sons; Chalmers and wife, Dew and wife; Sopp wife, two sons, and two daughters; Carroll, wife, son and two daughters; Derry and wife; Packwood, wife and son; John Fleshbourne and wife; Farmer.

Carpenters - Warren, wife and son; Marshall, Stone, wife, three sons and three daughters; Steere and wife; Bruist, wife and son; Schinich, wife and dughter ;

Tinman - Vincent, wife, son and two daughters ;

Cooper - Donnett ;

Joiners - Gardinier; Fouxell, wife, son and daughter ;

Ironmonger - Reill ;

Shoemakers - Pring, Staunton, W. and W. Wilson, Adams and wife; Chisnell, wife and daughter ;

Gardeners - W Bishop, wife and daughter; R Bishop; Hislopp, wife and daughter ;

Blacksmith - Taylor, wife , two sons and three daughters ;

Saddler - McGrath and wife ;

Brickmakers - J. Evans and wife, H. Farmer and wife ;

Baker - T Wilson ;

Lapidary - Smith ;

Mason - Wicks ;

Tailor - Nicholls and wife ;

Mechanic - Bance, wife and son ;

Housekeepers - J. and E. Donnett ;

Female Servants - McCreath, L. and E. Bell, M. Kent, E. Tisch, E. Bosworth, G. Southcombe, Margaret and Mary Donnett, E. Smith, C. Wyld, M. Hall,

C.Ellwood, S. Rollin, C. Leigh, A. Harvey, M. Chisnell, Ann Hobbs, C. Chalmers, C. Bishop, A. Bell, Ellen Chapman, J. Shipstone, M.A. Stringer, Anne Richerby, I. and A. Asher, Fanny Steere;

Passengers for Otago - R. Swale, G. Howaith and wife, Douglas and wife, Hay M. Burnside, Dawson, Borthwick and Dathie.

From the Lyttelton Times Wednesday, August 22, 1855:

It never rains but it pours. Of late the commercial operations of the Port seem scarcely in keeping with the busy operations going on in the interior of the Province. The monotony of the harbour has been relieved, principally, by the movements of our small, but well managed "channel fleet". The arrival of the Amherst, from Melbourne on Thursday last, bringing English news to the 12th of May, first broke the spell. Since then vessels have followed in quick succession. On Friday, the Caroline Agnes brought the immigrants from England. On Sunday, the bark Maori and the brig Gratitude came in during the day from Sydney. On Monday we had four arrivals-the Harry from Wellington, for Cristchurch; the Wellington, from Auckland, and the Camilla and Christina from Otago. By a singular coincidence, we receive intelligence from the two outposts of the colony on the same day.

We understand that the Caroline Agnes intelligence is from Mr. Harman. He says that notwithstanding the drain of men occasioned by the Crimean War, he finds no difficulty in obtaining good agricultural immigrants, and that a third immigrant ship was to be dispatched not later than the end of June.

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