The Hunt For Zaire

The nicest thing I can think of in Ham Radio is setting a goal, pursuing that goal, and finally, achieving it through you own effort, skill, and persistance.

It started in August '96. I have been looking for a 9Q5 on rtty and have had a lead on one for several months. Work and family obligations have kept me from spending as much time as I would like to tracking this country down.Today I was able to get on at the right time, tuned and loaded for the kill on 20, caught the tail end of a qso he was in, waited for his SK only to have a 5 land station come along side and start to call CQ.

Well, my stuff was together, he was where I expected, MN (mother nature) was cooperating and some lid upset the cart. I'm close so I know I'll get there.

That was on Thursday. Friday I was ready, he showed, answered a 7 land station, QRTed to go swimming. I know my signal tends to be marginal since I never run more that 50 watts on RTTY, so I didn't feel to badly about not getting through.

Saturday I heard him, called about 3 times only to realize that he wasn't coming back to anyone. I wonder what happened. Never the less, this is kind of fun and keeps me on my toes.

Well, it's December 24 0411Z and I haven't made the contact with Frank. Did work a VQ9 on 20 CW but that isn't terribly exciting like the same contact would be on RTTY!

Well I heard him again last evening (1/30) about 2030Z in QSO with ZD8DEZ. He signed and cleared. I kinda respect the guy so I didn't give a panic call begging for a quick one. He'll be back.

Now it's January 2nd, and Frank is still missing from my log. I'll get him soon or write his biography based on all the info I've collected on him from reading the mail.

Now we're at Feb 15, I have had 3 new countries, Reunion, Antartica, Heard, RTTY has blossomed nicely with Corsica, Reunion, Faroe, Falkland Islands, Rwanda, Lebanon and Bahrain as new ones for me, but still no 9Q5PA. Not a peep. At least not towards KF2XF. He was there on the 14th and I figured he would be a nice Valentine gift for me. No joy. He gave his frequency to a 5 land station and moved. I gave a shout up about 3 but no go. Later he was heard up about 7 loud... with all of North American and some Europeans calling. I think he got discouraged with the crappy operating and endless calls and just QRTed. I'll get him yet. CW contest weekend and the Rtty sub-band on 20 is taking a real bruising.

My only complaint with this stuff is that I missed the RTTY with ZY0, but only about half a dozen stations made it before they went QRT on RTTY.

Tuning around on Feb 22, I hear a EA9JZ, I call him, he comes back, we chat and as I break with him I mention the search for 9Q5. Tony in Mellilla says he hears Frank nearly everyday, wishes me well in the chase and signs. I hear a JF3 call him and they connect. It was Tony's frequency so I move up about 2 to see if the JF3 will move in that direction. No joy - As the JF3 signs a VO1 comes in calling the JF3... Well I wanted to do the right thing so I listened to see if Tony got his frequency back. Of course not! Chaos developed as the mail readers all jumped into the fray. I went looking for 9Q5.

Frank did not show today and the Cluster showed no listings for him. Another day perhaps.

Now on February 28, 1997 I have had a revelation. I need to start logging the days of the week when I hear Frank. It seems, in my feeble mind, that he only operates weekends. But statistical genius that I am I can't prove it. But no sweat, T & L (Tune and Listen) has offered me a JA and TF as partial compensation for doing the right thing. Perhaps ARRL will offer some goodies on 20 meters in the contest. (Fat chance!)

Then at about 2000Z I see "9Q5PA testing...." And in a bit I hear him start a ragchew with a 6 land station. I wait till they sign. I call, a little QRM, another call and there it comes, "KF2XF KF2XF DE 9Q5PA KN" Joy abounds in my station and even Skippy rejoices. He's in my log!

This bottom of the cycle is still fun for me. There is something there everyday.
Tune and listen...
Tune and listen...
and "Bingo, there they are. Heh, heh.

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