Mortal Realms:

Little description of one of the best textbased Multi User Dungeons(MUDs).

If you never played games in a roleplay enviroment you might want to look up the Roleplay section for some basic informations.


Mortal Realms has no real target to reach, there is no highest aim. You can always go higher. Going higher, means a growing of your statistics, better lifepoints, more damage infliction, better stamia.... Because all this is gained by getting to a higher level, earning the needed expierence becomes so often main target of the game.
In attempt to earn this expierence points another part of the game is getting important, the grouping: Being part of a group always reduces the chance of being killed by hostile enemies and greatly improves the power of the members.
Other players want to keep an white veste, means they try not to get killed by players and monsters and prevent the ugly increase of their "got killed chart". On the other hand this provides a target for a smaller group of players, the assassins. They try to increase their "killed chart". Player kill is full legal and part of the game and you can't do anything against it but trying to flee to save rooms or try to kill the assassin. The victims are given a chance until level 26, then the chase begins.
Another part of the game are race wars. Randomly the eight races are put into pairs. Every active army member will now be able to kill all characters of the enemy race.


Mortal Realms plays in a fantasie enviroment.It isn't strict oriented to an certain age but tents not to play in the time after the middle age. You might find a plastic toy gun and visit the university and bank, but areas like Castles, Temples and small Villages are more common. Because of the unpresence of a certain design team the areas are very different, more than 30 people had part of their creation. Even today the world is expanding. Many very good, sometimes funny ideas have been released by the creators. Bosher's home, mushroom village and the mob factory, the olmyp, elemental canyon and Medusas castle give only a little idea how much different areas are part of this world. You can get information about each area like if your character is allready that strong to enter or how big it is. Of course there are many people living in the lands, that sell goods, just walking around, offering quests or aiming for you life. The areas are directly connected together or linked by the Roads of the Realms. In addition the world is splitted in continents, which can only be traveled to by boat, when you can fly or when you can affort the "Griffon Airways" trips.


There are eight races, human, elf, drow, dwarf, orc, gnome, halfling and ogre, from which the player can built his char. Each race has certain benefits and hinderances, e.g. gnomes are not very fast, but their maximal wisdom can't be reached by any other race. The player can then choose between seven classes, ranger,rouge, elementarist, illusionst, monk, assassin and necromancer. The ranger is the warrior in Mortal Realms, the elementarist, illusionist and necromancer providing the magical support, though very weak alone, with a char that defends them they are very mighty, exspecialy in higher levels. The assassin is the Player killer, in direct combat between a ranger and a assassin which are the same level the ranger will win no doubt. The rouge is a mixture of assassin and ranger. The monk is the healer of the Realm, in combat he is little bit stronger than all the other mages and wizards. Each class has different skills which must be trained before they get active. The ranger will get a second and third attack, the rouge the abilyty of lockpicking, the elementarist will be able to change the weather and call lightnings. Each class has up to 30 skills. Each class has certain weapons and armors they can't use, a ranger can't use a wizard's staff and a monk won't be able to wield the bastard sword.


The player starts with level 1 can get to level 95 as maximum. To level he needs a certain amought of experience points. This amought is increasing from level to level, in addition the higher a character get the less expierence he get's by killing an enemy. The increase difference from class to class, rouges are very fast at level, illusionists are very slow. Only one thing stands between a player and his next level and this are the hords of monsters. First you must kill them for getting expierence and second you must protect yourself from being killed, because been killed leads to immediatley lose of all expierenceWhen a character levels he increases in hitpoints, stamia and mana if he is a mage. In addition he gets practice points which are use to increase the physical attributes and train the skills. The skills aren't all accessable from the beginning, the charakter must reach a certain level to make use of them, e.g. the monk won't be able to cast heal serious wounds from the beginning. At level 90 the char enters the knight system and gets a squire or a miss, after 5 levels where dying is punished hard, s-/he gets sir or maiden as title. At this level the player can choose to reincarnate and start again from level 1. A reincarnated charater has better statistics, is hitting harder but gets only half the expirience a normal character gets by killing monsters.

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