The New Project


The shop has been quiet for almost 3 years now. A couple of engines are still in castings, progress zero.

But now things are beginning to pick up again.


Some years ago I saw an article in Model Engineer magazine. It was by a (as the British term it) a model engineer, but did not detail a project in metal. Instead this was in wood, albeit with a few metal parts. My interest was piqued, and I sent off for a package which included a set of, shall we call them, sketches. Certainly not your normal engineering drawings, but with enough information to complete the unit if you "winged it" a bit. I am now about 2 months of off and on work and the project is beginning to take shape.

You may have guessed the item in question from the photo on our home page, but if you haven't, I will keep you in suspense for a few more weeks while work progresses.

Now for a few photos of the metal parts:


crank and bearings (crank not yet finished)

Splitting one bearing

The crank bearings (2 solid, 1 split)


To be continued . . .