Knowledge and

        Moslem’s Lifestyle – 12 

(Islamic Poetry Collection)


by H Rubijanto.


Enlightened People.


Knowledge and Information is becoming an increasingly powerful medium to enlighten people,

Mobile library, virtual library is utilizing more and more IT networks to reach out remote areas or isolated villages,

Anyhow, internet is becoming an amazing speed transportation to deliver educational material away from the conventional campus.


What a significant value in this type of learning and teaching in a formal or non - formal instruction,

Its quite fast transmission makes the arrangement of overall design becomes more communicative for learners and educators,

Instructional methods and activities program should be more well-designed and easy to be accessed,


For the purpose of Islamic proselytizing, for instance, attributes related to on-line delivery, including the interactive question and answer material,

Pesantren or Madrasah on-line should be encouraged to grow side by side to the real conventional one as the effective support to describe various courseware,

The pedagogical and theoretical approach might be powerful using the multimedia apparatus provided by this delivery medium.


                                                                      Bandung, 8 Muharram 1429 H.









Saving Time and Energy.


The role and function of nation-wide cellular technology becomes the distinguished bridge which connects individual or community one to another,

Which could shortened the distance and time, so that any activities have less time and energy to be realized,

It means this benefit will give added value to the whole community, especially to those who are involved as user or server.


The ideal form of modern silaturahim would be one that enables the exchange of people’s thought and feeling whenever and wherever they desire without the constraint of time and place,

This kind of communication using pc and hp has steadily progress in such a direction, allowing information transfer to occur in a more direct and natural manner.


Enabling people to contact one another as if they are conversing and responding in the same room, however far apart they might actually be,

The need and desire for more direct and natural communication has inevitably opened the door of opportunity,

Propelling significant advances is predicted to be more extensive in the effort to accelerate the development of education.


                                                                        Bandung, 8 Muharram 1429 H.










The Influence of New Facilities.


The emergence of Cellular and Broadband facilities will cause a significant progress on every aspect of human activities,

Society and business-life is currently taking a lot advantage; multimedia and its wider road can provide a solution to their problems better and faster. Subhanallah.

People are adapting their current mindsets to these speedy changes of technology and different behavior,


It is not a problem for Moslem Lifestyle, ‘Laysa Musykilat’, due to the more interested and participation to the coming platform of life,

The most reasonable advantage that fulfils their requirements could be adapted to the lifestyle they currently walk on,

The ratio of efficiency to the operation of education will show a remarkable points, in which a substantial cost could be saved.


By utilizing blog (web log), public has access to the web page to write or deliver any individual comments or thoughts concerning a specific case,

It will be more amazing by the availability of you-tube facilities, where the discussion of any subject-matter could be carried out on audio-video scene,

Few minutes to contemplate, what a wise man ever said, that life is similar to spider’s web: Even the strength of worldly power, it will not be able to be a dignity phrase, nor the skill, beauty or power without the faith to the glory of the Creator, Allah swt.


                                                                          Bandung, 9 Muharram 1429 H.