Knowledge and

        Moslem’s Lifestyle – 13 

(Islamic Poetry Collection)


by H Rubijanto.


Euphemism of Lifestyle.


The mislead guideline can cause us to miss the path on our life,

The fine art of a deal may offer new benchmarks for better heart feeling,

To design, build and operate a new concept of education’s scheme should be handled with care,

Only if certain smart procedures are followed, more insightful analysts and most advanced criteria is a requirement.


Knowledge impact, that’s built on clear and consistency correct opinions,

Accelerated growth will be the result of real substance as come out of forward thinking,

Generated by energy developer of knowledge, initiative and resources will move on the initiation phase into operation and development stages.


They are noted that the multiplier effect emerges from extensive experience and regular continues improvement,

Management of new technology with an efficient, environmentally sound approach should meet the needs of Ummah everywhere around the globe,

A better world, to learn more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Learning Life Style should be empowered by Dzikrullah, more aware of the running innovation over the changes of human’s behavior,

In a clear mind and responsive heart of Moslem will appear the encouragement to re-educate themselves, to elevate the rest of Ummah left behind. Insya Allah.


                                                            Bandung, 17 Muharram 1429 H.








The Open Sky.


Providing a full range of management, technical know-how and supporting facilities will move activities from concept to successful operation,

Managed competence in to days competition is getting the advantage of potential resources and promote its hidden possibilities,

An eye to the open sky means more probabilities to enrich the experiences of reaching the vision world-wide.


Hand in hand with all partners can match the better understanding of this changing opportunities,

What are the primary concerns regarding these phenomena, is to recognize the capabilities to get the acceleration of development in all aspects,

Take a look around, to find out how the progress happened amidst the complexity of modern interconnections.


If there’s one thing that reality and the well designed plans are both well aware of, it is time is running out,

What does it take stay ahead of the competition: Experience, Endurance and Focus, focus on your goal,

Walk and run between a rock and a hard place, finding out the chance to jump, using smart eyes to avoid the trap of unseen pits. Subhanallah.


                                                                  Bandung, 18 Muharram 1429 H.














Moving Intentions Forward.


We are in every place of the world and we are coming to the same place for the most dignity of forever,

Our environmental lifestyle has enabled us to develop a culture of continuous improvement as guided by Rasulullah saw,

Today has to be better than yesterday and tomorrow will have to be better than today, otherwise we will be in a real loss.


We move our intentions forward, and the world looks as smaller while our achievements are bigger than ever. Alhamdulillah,

Looking for an opportunity that offers the innovation and competence to realize even higher goals,

Looking for friends that support us with creative ideas and more suitable technology, we build a partnership.


Maintaining all that lives come naturally, growing better life means challenging to preserve the environment,

Providing comprehensive coverage from the initial plan throughout its processing, and the best result will be the sovereignty of the Creator,

Allah swt,

Thanks to Almighty God, for having bestowed upon us the Blessing of Islam. Thou art our Protector, help us against those who stand against Faith.


                                                     Bandung, 20 Muharram 1429 H.