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Of Ancient Echoes

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Ancient City of Trelba Sye


By Wesley H. Bateman

The rediscovered Ra System of Mathematics and its obvious use thousands of years ago in the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt and other ancient buildings that exist throughout the world, tells us that there once existed on the Earth a highly advanced civilization, that had full knowledge of such things as "Quantum Physics." There also exists evidence that this same civilization possessed a technology that permitted them to easily raise blocks of stone weighing more than 70 tons to considerable heights and even travel in space. Considerable evidence now exists that identifies this ancient culture as being of several extraterrestrial origins.

In the light of what is now known about the Ra System and its uses in ancient times on Earth and on the planet Mars one must reconsider the subjects of such books as: Chariots of the Gods?, Fingerprints of the Gods, The Orion Connection and Forbidden Archaeology. All of these books have been scathingly attacked by those who prefer that only their rendition of our ancient past be considered or accepted by the public.
In keeping with our motto: "nothing that could be made up and nothing that can be covered up , we offer you photographic evidence that supports the fact that an advanced civilization existed more than 100,000 years ago in the American North West.

Prehistorians state that from 500,000 B.C. to 40,000 B.C. this part of the world was being populated by primitive people who migrated from Asia over a land bridge that once existed between the two continents (across the Bering Strait). It is believed that this land bridge was the product of the lowering of the sea level due to glacierization, which occurred during the ice age.

The photographs taken in 1963 and 1972 which are reproduced below are exterior shots of a underground city that is believed to cover several square miles. We call this city "Trelba Sye" and after waiting 35 years since we discovered it, we are ready to tell the world of its existence.

Its exact location will be revealed publicly only after every precaution is taken to protect it from treasure hunters and those who do not want the public to know that their history is not as they have been programed to believe. Furthermore those that want to control what we think and believe do not want the public to know what happened to that ancient civilization, nor what relationship that civilization had with numerous extraterrestrial cultures.
Trelba Sye picture number 1 (shown below) was taken some distance from the face of a lava capped gray basalt cliff in order to frame a wide area. Within the cliff face can be seen 5 rectangular features that are rust colored. These areas have been identified as doorways that have been sealed with a reddish cement.

Though difficult to see in the picture, three carved stone heads are located at the base of the cliff between doors 2 and 3. A number of carved heads are located above all five doors (right of the point marked 6 in the photo). These areas will be shown later (enlarged).



The picture above is of door number 3. This is generally referred to as the "main door."

Feature 1: Figure located below the number 1 appears to be a carved head of a man wearing a helmet.

Feature 2: Carved face to the right of the number 2 is somewhat heavy featured. Eye, nose, mouth, chin and cheeks are very prominent.

Feature 3: This figure is of a man with a long thin face and nose. Notice that the hair of this head is piled up in a top knot.

Feature 4: is a tunnel that was dug at some time in the past. In 1963 this tunnel was about 15 deep by 1972 it had partially collapsed and was about 10 feet in depth.
The tunnel allowed us to determine that the sealing material on the door was about 1 foot thick and that the interior immediately behind the doors was packed wityh decomposed granite.

Standing before this door with a compass in hand, one will observe the compass needle rocks back and forth 180 degrees, as if something with magnetic properties was approaching the door and then moving away in a repetitious manner.

Feature 5: is a carved column


In the preceding picture is seen 7 additional carved human heads. Note: That there are no forms of animals depicted. Only male humans.

The badly eroded heads are out lined in the individual enlargements that follow.


This carving depicts a bearded man looking upward. The dark mass that covers the top rear of the head is lava that flowed from above. This lava flow has been dated as occurring 100,000 years ago or earlier. The fact that the lava partially covered head tells us that the carving was made on the cliff before the lava flowed over it.


The carved head depicts a man wearing a plumed helmet with chin strap.


This carved face is well eroded on the right side but, still shows what is now days called a chignon hair style.


This carving is obviously of a bearded young man.
Directly below this figure can be seen several rows of masonry
composed of brick sized stones.


This carving depicts a bearded man with a long thin face, who is wearing a hat.


This carved figure appears to be of a man holding up his right arm and extending the thumb of his right hand,while wearing a circular shield on his left arm.

Helmets and shields suggests that these people used some what primitive weapons at the time.This culture might have had a very advanced technology at its disposal and these carved heads represent heroes or renowned ancestors.Think about it the presidents who's heads are carved on Mount Rushmore never watched television and most of them never saw an airplane or made a telephone call.


This carved figure is found on the lower right corner of door 3. It is very badly eroded but, appears to be of a helmeted man looking toward the helmeted man that occupies the same position on the opposite side of the door.


Located about 1/2 mile down the cliffs from the 4 doors can be found the painting of a "dragon." The figure which is painted in white is situated in a dome shaped frame that was carved around it. The dome - shaped frame is flanked by flat faced vertical sections.

Above the frame can be seen a number of badly worn figures and a pyramid shaped stone. The dome shaped frame might be an outline of a "plug" that seals yet another doorway in to Trelba Sye.

An attempt to enlarge and outline the dragon painting is presented below.


An expedition to Trelba Sye in 1997 discovered this entrance (framed in white) filled in with brick sized stone work, but not sealed with the red material that covers the main doors. We apologize for the poor quality of this photograph.


The picture above is of my wife JoNell taken during the 1972 expedition to Trelba Sye. The main doors are seen above and behind her. Just before I snapped this picture I noticed out of the corner of my eye a whirling object that looked like a silver hub cap. The object was silently hovering some 15 to 20 feet away (in the direction of the trees that are seen on the right). The object obviously moved over JoNell's right shoulder just as I pushed the shutter.

When the film was developed it showed a fiery globe that left a glowing tail behind it. It appears while we were visiting Trelba Sye we were being looked in on by extraterrestrials.

There are many many more pictures that were taken of Trelba Sye. We will try to add them to the web site as time permits.

The ET messages found in Nefer's Temple were intended for everyone who lives on Earth and not for a self important few. As for Trelba Sye it was part of our past lets make it part of everyone's future.
Copyright 1998 by Wesley H. Bateman . All rights reserved.

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