Dad in Training!
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First published 9th January, 2001
(last updated 12th August, 2001)

Late News:

...and the winner is... Dom & Susanne of course!! No-one guessed that Helena Rose Bragge would be born on Aug 11 4:31pm, 8lb 4oz (& a length of 21"). Mother & daughter are doing wonderfully & dad is starting his recovery (well, he got to watch!)

Photo's tomorrow (Mon afternoon). Watch this space :-)

Check out Helena Rose Bragge with her own webpage (already!).

OK. So you guessed it. Dom's gone stupid because Susanne and he are expecting a baby. Well, you are right ;-) And here is the webpage to prove it.

We had our first ultrasound of the little tyke today (9th Jan) and what a spin that is. To see that much moving detail: Head, tail (Tail! What Tail?), rump, heart and limbs (sorta sounds like a tasty beef/fish meal in the shape of a tree!!). I've seen it all before on many a TV show but when it's our own, Oh my God, I was almost speechless :-) Oh yeh, the bun should be cooked by about August 4th

Plenty more to follow I'm sure. See ya 'round like a "Glazed Donut Monster" (Bill Cosby fans know what I'm talking about here).


A little annecdote forwarded from our dear (pregnant!) friend, Sarah Webster

Subject: Kids

Whenever your kids are out of control, you can take comfort
from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend
to God's kids.

After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve.
And the first thing He said was: "Don't."
"Don't what?" Adam replied.
"Don't eat the forbidden fruit," God said.
"Forbidden fruit? We got forbidden fruit?
Hey, Eve...we got forbidden fruit!"
"No way!"
"Don't eat that fruit!" said God.

"Because I am your Father and I said so!" said God
(wondering why he hadn't stopped after making the

A few minutes later God saw his kids having an apple break
and was angry. "Didn't I tell you not to eat the fruit?"
God asked.

"Uh huh, " Adam replied.
"Then why did you?"
"I dunno" Eve answered.
"She started it!" Adam said.
"Did not!"
"Did too!"

Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was
that Adam and Eve should have children of their own. Thus
the pattern was set and it has never changed. If God had
trouble handling children, what makes you think it would be
a piece of cake for you?

"Name the Bubba" Competition

>>> Dom Bragge 07/28/01 07:25am >>>

Susanne and Dominic Bragge are expecting the birth of their first child ANY DAY NOW! Both parents to be are more terrified than most Americans are of "nasties" that crawl around the Outback just waiting to pounce and kill.

Officially due on August5, we have no idea of exactly when, nor the sex, nor weight etc, so, here comes your part...

  1. Name the date
  2. Name the weight
  3. Suggest a name (genderless names don't count here!)

...and if you're the winner, we'll even consider your suggestions (mum and dad to be are still *discussing* the issue!!).

Here are the results so far...

Punter		Date	Weight		Name

Ralph Johnson	Aug 7	-		Skippy
Carmen Johnson	Aug 8	7lb 7oz		Lucinda (late entry!)
James Bartlett	Jul30	6lb 8oz		Dominic (II or "Junior") or Dominique as appropriate ;-)
Kevin Vutuan	Aug 4	7lb 5oz		Amador
SheridanCollins	Aug13	7lb 5oz		Kate
Cindy Clark	Aug 7	8lb 5oz		GIRL: Cindy "Bubs" Bragge   BOY: Cindy "Bubs" Bragge
Al Braunstein	Aug 4	6lb 7oz		Theresa (We'll see just how psychotic, err um PSYCHIC, I am =:-o )
Mary C.De Marle	Aug 2	-		Mary.  Mary Catherine's even better !
Rod Duckworth	-	-		If its a boy it must be called Rod no question.
Jose Vazquez	Aug 6	4.5kg		Arnold
Lorette Mack	Aug15	4.2kg		<-- the bigger the better they say...
Shane Mack	Aug 9	8lb 7oz		His name will be Shane of course......
Bianca Kennedy	Aug 6	8lb		Bethany or James 
SuzanneBaumgart	Aug 7	6.8lb		Matthew
Michael Larkin	Aug 8	8lb		boy: for names refer ->
Ian Hopkinson	Aug 9	8lb 4oz		Alexander or Alexa
Kev(&T) Brennan	Aug10	8lb 9oz		Kevin or Therese
Eric Sexton	Aug12	9lb		Scott or Michelle
Brian Rusten	Aug 2	3.8Kg		"Vivian Kerry Kim Jennifer Nancy Anne" for a girl
					"Victor Kevin Karl James Norman Arthur" for a boy
Dawn Churchill	Aug12	8lb 1oz		(Brig suggests "Aaron" )
Louise John	Aug 1	7.5lb		Well as long as it's not Randy, Chip or Chuck, 
					I would suggest Thomas to be your pick.
Robyn Nott	Anytime! 8lb            Some we had left over include Andrew, Timothy, Caroline, Steven
Andrew Ballesty	Aug 8	8.5lb		Domisuz!!
David Benchoam	Aug 9	3.4Kg		Aaron and Michael: Natalie and Jessica or Kerry
Andrea Williams	Aug14	9lb2oz		Dominique or Joseph
MichelleMcClain	Aug 7	8lb9oz 		Jeremy
Darren Haggerty	Aug 9	7lb3oz		Dazza!
Greg Power	-	-		Adam, Genevieve (a personal favourite) or Louise
Andrew Scott	Aug 7	1650kg		Felicity, Henry (conceived in the back of a eb falcon?)
Michael Bragge	-	-		NOT Shane or Darren, not Sharon or Narelle.
Hannah Bragge	-	-		Wednesday, Lucy, Harriet, Alexandra, Lauren, Holly
					Aaron, James, Tom, Harry, Michael, Daniel.
Peter Crichton	Aug 8	3.54kg		Jane, Kevin
Ann Stewart	-	-		Lacking in inspiration today...wish you both all the best
Tony Nardi	Aug 6	7lb 11oz	David/John/Peter, Mary, How about Peter Raymond Bragge or Tony?
Chris Colman	Aug 4	?lb "Error"	Christopher, Joshua, James or Michael - Catherine 
Phil Watson	Aug10	2.5kgs		Alex
Helen Watson	Aug 3	7lb 10oz	Matilda (Aussies-in-Exile)
Faye Darack	Aug10	7lb 9oz		Amanda, since she is being born in America
Maree Milross	Aug 2	7lb 8oz		Joseph Dominic Bragge
Stephen Rose	Aug 3	8lb 4oz		Chistopher James Bragg
					Features: - Lots of Hair (including bum fluff and a small 
					amount of stubble) - no date specified
					- pale skin
          				- Huge peeni (aren't they all!)
          				- Good solid laugh (we think the cry might emerge before 
					the laugh takes over)
          				- Potential for birth to be rather painful due to presence 
					of large radio antenna, a "My first circuit board" - by 
					Matel and a Ford Falcon owners manual for beginners.
David Stofberg	Aug 2	4.5 KG		Nicola if it's a girl; Martin if it's a boy
Joal Taylor	Aug 1	3.8654kg	Melinda; Christopher: Good luck with the American health system
Peter Miller	-	-		Hey, this is America...Dominic II or Susanne II !
Karen Navas	Aug10	3.25kg		Dominic or Susanne (Jnr) - hey you're in the states!
					Morris (after Morris Plains!) or Sarah (no relation to anything)
CharlieRodriguez Aug 6	6lb 12oz	James, Susanne
Moira Kearney	Aug 7	7lb 7oz		Jemima Jane
John Kearney	Aug 7	7lb 9oz		girl: Orla Elisabeth (boy:Jolyon James)
Charles Thomas	Aug 8	8lb 3oz		Whippany (girl) Holmdel (boy)
Tom Craft	Aug 4	8lb 13oz	Gabriel Bragge
Claude Guay	Aug10	9lb 2oz		Bridget
Richard Murnane Aug 7	6lb 4oz		Donminta (girl), or Shuden (boy) so 
                                        the kid will have a reason to hate
					you long before s/he reaches its
					teenage years :-)
					Late entry (6Aug) with "Stella"
Timothy	Shadie	Aug 7	8lb 2oz		Nicholas (my middle name of course!!)  ;-)
Tim Jensen	Aug 8	14.287decagrams	Girl = Hermes, Boy = Mercury (Messenger 
                                        of the gods, associated with radio 
					since the early times!)
David Flannery	Aug 2	-		David or Sean!				
Dale Wegener	-	9lb 6oz		I haven't met a Claire I didn't like.  
					A boy, name him Beauregarde Tyrone 
					(Bow Tie for short:-)) or try Aden.
Scott Calder	Aug 5	7lb 10oz	Dom Jr. Otherwise, my favorite is Fred. For a girl set a trend
					Susanne Jr., or Anya.
Sarah(&T)Webster -	-		Alex, Bethany, Justin or Jennifer.
Marque Crozman	-	-		if boy, VK2BOY; and if girl, VK2GRL
Angela&Greg Spencer Aug 15  8lb 12oz	Desiree or Lachlan
 (Lesley James & Oskar)
Peter Coventry	Aug 8	7lb 10oz  	Alyssa
Sue&Rob Lee	Aug 8	7lb 5oz		Nicholas George, James: Ellen or Amelia(don't call her Selma!)
Victoria Lee				Georgina, Alexandra shortened to Lexie
Katrina Lee				Samuel or Matilda (Tilly)
Peter Gyenes	Aug 7	3700g		Tim! What terrifies you more, the birth or what comes after?
Wendy Saunders	Aug 2	8lb 4oz		Sarah
John Saunders	Aug 8	7lb 10oz	Mary
Kim Harrison	Aug 3	8lb 2oz		Josephine
ClaytonHarrison	Aug 4	8lb 6oz		Daniel
Rosemary	-	9lbs		Henrietta or Marmaduke
Marlene Lambie	-	7lb 8oz
 & Dave
Justine Burke	-	-		I thing you should call her Rocky!
Mark Bonwick	Aug 8	3.8 Kg		the project is late and you won't get
 & Jane & Jack				 your bonus.
Mark Gailey	-	9lb 7oz		Cyril or Cedric, Elizabeth, 'cause 
					then we can all call her what we 
					like (Eliza, Liz, Lizzy, Beth, ...
					or even Elizabeth). Lizzy would be 
					very Australian.
Mannie Martinez	Aug10	7lb 3oz		Joseph (Jose) or Rachel (Raquel)
					(Late Entry!)
A special mention to Mike Larkin who is heading way-over-the-top here with
his extra suggestions of...

With an American flavour:
Ninastoko (native American - Blackfoot) means Mountain Chief
Nocona (native American - Comanche) means wanderer
Pinquana (native American - Shoshoni) means sweet smelling
Waunake (native American - Algonquin) means he has peace
Mamakiaeh (native American - Cheyanne) means curly hair
Waylahskise (native American - Shawnee) means graceful
Itza-chu (native American - Apache) means great hawk
Dowanhowee (native American - Sioux) means singing voice

And if you are looking for something a bit more exotic, try these:

Shivini - the Sun God of the Urartu people, who lived around 700BC in modern
 day Armenia
Chishpish - ruler of Persia, c678-39BC
Astarte - ancient Phoenician maiden warrior goddess
Vie kenatea - wife of Makemake, the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) creator/
 birdman god
Mafdet - ancient Egyptian anti-snakebite goddess (I kid you not !)
Anuket - ancient Egyptian hunting goddess
Lakshmi - ancient Hindu goddess of fortune, prosperity & success
Ayus - ancient Hindu minor deity - king of frogs (yep, that's right, king of
 frogs !)
Nazira - Arabic, means bright faced, fresh
Zulaikh - Arabic, means wondrously beautiful

That's enough to be going on with, don't you think ?
