Mary, Nathan, Alex, bil, and Zoe Kleb's Geocities Homesite

Mary and Nathan's picture Alex's picture bil's picture Zoe's picture


Hello, you've reached the Klebs' Geocities homestead. The following is a collection of photos that we use to communicate with friends and family. Most of the photos are from various trips or are of projects that we've tackled.

We are also endeavoring to keep an annotated photo album of our homebuilt aircraft project [scale: 1"=1"] to provoke the interest of others and to serve (as yet another) source of information for fellow builders. [Note: the project is on indefinite hold until bil finishes a degree.] In addition, buried in the Windsurfing section, you'll find a chronicle of the design and construction of a trailer used to carry and store windsurfing equipment, notes on Zoe's rental house on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and the latest chronicle of board building.

Who We Be

We've lived in the tidewater area of Virginia for over ten years, converging from the Philadelphia suburbs (Mary), the Chicago suburbs (bil), and the country-side of Maryland (Zoe). We both work for NASA, where Mary does Stratospheric Modeling (think: ozone hole) and bil does Computational Aerothermodynamics (think: Space Shuttle re-entry).

Also see one-half of the parents that are responsible for this mess...

The Album

We've inlined low-quality, small jpeg images for quick loading; and in some cases, provide links to larger higher-quality images.

Table of Contents
Last modified: Thu May 9 10:48:29 EDT 2002