Welcome to MY web page.

Click below to navigate to where you'd like to visit in my web page. I have done research into the sciences of meteorology, and cosmology and might have explained something a little simpler to understand. Give it a look, just to tell me if it's worth keeping on my site. I also have written a dedication to a great friend of mine who died battling Leukemia. I also added a personal page as a bio on me, as well as a message to friends and family. I have a few pics in it, and hope to add more soon. Finally, check out my Links page to see if there might be some interesting links to other pages you might want to visit. I put the ESPN SportsTicker on the links pages as well, just to see if I could do it. It works, so take a look. Hell, I put it there, so you might as well...

Marks page

This page is for my friend Mark who died of Luekemia in June, 1997. Read about him here.

Personal page

This page is all about me and my family and friends.

Meteorology page

One of my hobbies I have studied for years...

Cosmology page

Another of my hobbies, but only recently studied

Links Page

All sorts of links from weather, to space and sports and other people's pages

Also check out my creation of the Air Force fire fighting vehicle, the P-23 Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting vehicle, the P-19, and my father's MANIFESTO on philosophy and religious faith.


Created by Eric Tallberg in October, 1998