The Clintons and friends have gotten themselves into a lot of trouble and they are trying to talk their way out of it. They have been Illegally soliciting funds from their supporters so that they could win the election.

What do they mean by we needed more money to win the election. If I do not have the money to buy food, is it okay to steal it? Of course it is not okay. Stealing is stealing and anyone who steals needs to be punished.

Al Gore stated that there was not a governing body to enforce the law that was passed because no other president was stupid enough to get caught. If a mugger holds someone up will they be able to a defense like this, "Well, your honor, there weren't any cops around so I thought it was okay to hold that man up, uh, duh." That is no excuse.

The bottom line is that these crimes are impeachable, and I hope that it happens, not because I hate the two faced S. O. B., but because we need to save America from those vultures.

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