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I saw today that state legislators in Ohio are creating a bill that would allow people to carry concealed weapons. Oddly enough, a poll showed that about two-thirds of people opposed the idea. I am not one of them. Are these people under the mistaken impression that criminals would now be able to carry guns? Here's a news flash for you, the criminals are already carrying them. This law would allow common citizens to do what the police force can't, protect themselves. I'm not talking about people going out and getting their own "justice." I'm talking about being able to defend themselves from an attacker on the spot.

There seems to be some sort of idea that armed people are bad. This is not true. There is a small percentage of individuals that will always spoil it for everybody. Imagine that you are a mugger. Now, imagine that your victims could very well be armed. Would you be likely to go out and rob somebody? Probably not, unless you were desparate. Passage of a concealed weapons law in Texas did not cause an increase in crime. In fact, it actually lowered it. Why? I have a feeling that potential attackers are less likely to attack because they are afraid that their prey will be armed.

I say let the people defend themselves. The police force hasn't able to do a good job, and the justice system has become a joke. The biggest problem with crime today is that the criminals are not afraid anymore. The people have been disarmed, and their lawyers will get them off on some loop hole. We need to do something, and I think that this would be a step in the right direction.

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