EPHS Graduation Special

        Over the past 5 years, I have had the pleasure of working with some fantastic people.  My time at East Paulding High School is one I would not replace for the world, unless it meant approximately $300 million dollars-- then I'd do it in a freakin' heartbeat.  Still, the teachers, staff, and students will always hold a dear place in my heart, even though I will no longer be roaming the vast, tiled 700 hall, or lurking about the media center, or harassing unsuspecting students who don't know me.
        I've included a few photos from the last day of school (May 26, 2000).  If you were there and you're not in these pics... get the hell over it!!!  This should be your biggest life problem!!  Its only because I was short on film that more people aren't here.
        I am thankful for all of the students who have shown dedication, determination, dependability (not to compare you with Fox5 in Atlanta....), but especially their spirit.  I must say, too, that the Class of was an incredible group of people.  My classes really made coming in to work a pleasure, and allowed me to get away from other things and lose myself in having  fun at what I love doing... making fun of stuffy conservatives AND flag-buring liberals!!!
        Thanks for allowing me to do my job, folks.
        See you at the football games!


The Teletubbies just before the AP Govt. Exam.
L to R: Amanda "Teeeheee" Parks, Jeff "Auburn Sucks" Griffiths, Josh "Katehammil" Caithaml (seated on table), Jo "Sahviet Union" Stephens, Justin "The Raptor" Jackson, David "I'm Even" Norris, Sarah "Cheer Up, Charlie!" Hough, Brad "Great Raider Day!"Chandler (standing), Chris "Thats Correct, Sir" Aiken (peeking), Emily "I'm Odd" Thigpen, Ebony "Doctor" Love, and Karie "Katie Whitmore" Whitmire.
More A.P.'ers... just before graduation. 
L to R: Chandler, Stephens, Whitmire, and Hough.

At the head of the line going in for the big ceremony!
The 7 Faces (L to R): Cole Luke, Josh Caithaml, Kelli McIntosh, Kelli Copeland, Coach Cartee, Nick "Bubba" Estes, Joanna Stephens.

(L to R): Angela Lillard, Josh Wyatt, Ben Muncher, Justin Valencic, Kim Mallon, Julie Manes

Havin' Their Last Great Raider Day!!!
(L to R): David Lewis, Katrina McClure, Jeremia Adams, ###, Del Love, Ebony Love, Philip Alexander, Justin Mabry

Spi-Dogg Pleads His Case