About This Web Edition

A number of years ago while doing research in the University of Alberta Library, I came across a 48 page pamphlet of transcription on the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Blowing the dust off the item I found to my surprise that I held in my hands a rare find in the tradition of oral history. For here was the last known public presentation by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn about her experiences with the IWW.

The original edition was a Xerox copy of a typescript. It had been published in 1977 by the American Institute of Marxist Studies (AIMS). AIMS was carried out more or less single-handedly by Herbert Aptheker and it seems not to be in existence any longer. Aptheker still lives in San Jose, California.

This HTML edition maintains the original text but has been reformatted for use on the web. The original was scanned, typeset and designed by Donalda Cassel.

Headings have been added, as have web editor notes that are indicated by italic text and closed{}brackets.

We have further added GIFS to the page including an original of the songsheet for Rebel Girl, from the IWW Songbook.

URL links have been added to act as web based footnotes.

Eugene Plawiuk,
Memories Web Editor
August 1997