Canadian Dimension Interviews Michael Albert

     This Fall Michael Albert went to Canada for some talks and did an interview with
     the excellent Canadian Magazine, Canadian Dimension. Here is an essentially
     verbatim transcript they prepared for publication in Canada.

     CD: How is Z Magazine doing? Where does it stand in terms of reaching an
     audience -- have you reached a plateau beyond which you can't go?

     MA: Well, I think there's lots of potential, but I do think that getting larger requires
     more money. Z reaches people who want to read Z, and they find it. Or it reaches a
     subset of the audience that has found some other progressive thing via mailing. So,
     for instance, we'll mail to The Nation's mailing list. But, we can't mail to a
     non-existent mailing list. We can only operate within the rubric of people who have
     become involved with some Left periodical or organization or whatever. And I think
     there's a much bigger audience than that, but to reach out to any larger audience
     would require an expenditure that we don't have. So in the absence of getting some
     more money, it's not clear that we can get too much larger unless some horrible thing
     happens, at which time everything on the Left would grow. But, one doesn't want to
     hope for that ...

     CD: You've proposed creating a federation of progressive magazines, distribution
     outlets, and so on; an alternative media network.

     MA: It certainly would be desirable if various alternative, progressive media
     institutions in both the US and Canada found a way to reduce redundancy without
     having to submerge their identities. This kind of solidarity sharing of resources would
     be good, but it's rather hard, partly because these various institutions have to a
     degree differing agendas, even though to the mainstream they may look like peas in a
     pod. And another impediment is that they're just so damned strapped. It's very hard
     to give time to getting together when getting together only promises returns down the
     road. Well, meanwhile, you're taking away from just surviving. So it becomes
     difficult. We've had good response to that proposal, although, as you might expect,
     most of it was from people who want to start up, not from established institutions.

     CD: What is the state of class consciousness in the US? From up here it looks as if
     there has been a remarkable development in the last few years, certainly more so
     than in the recent past. Is that true?

     MA: Well, it depends who you're talking about. The left, that is, people who
     consciously see themselves as left in some fashion or another have left class behind.
     And it's pretty abysmal. You can sort of chart it this way I guess: in the United States
     there's a remarkable capacity to take any good idea too far, to take good ideas and
     carry them off a cliff. Coming out of the late 60s there was a critique of economism
     -- the conception that sees everything in terms of economics, and that class is the
     only thing that matters, and is the only way that we can understand anything else -- a
     critique which I think was very healthy and good and which I was a part of. But it
     went so far as to say that "race matters, and gender matters, and maybe even power
     matters, but who the hell gives a shit about class?" And that really penetrated the left,
     I think, and so now and for a long time, the awareness of class, among the people
     who call themselves leftists, has been really down. There's a second reason for that.
     The phenomenon I just described would be described by many people, but this next
     one may be idiosyncratic to me. The class consciousness of the left has never been a
     very healthy class consciousness. Not the class consciousness of a working person,
     but the class consciousness of the self-described left. It has often been a coordinator
     consciousness, a consciousness of administering the well-being of others; a
     consciousness that is associated with Leninism and central planning and so on. And it
     has never really been a movement whose flavour and culture was welcoming of
     working people. It rather was a movement that was more like business school. So, it
     isn't that hard to jettison attention to class when attention to class on the left has
     never been that constructive. As for the rest of the country, there I think there is an
     increased awareness of class, but too little. I mean, basically there's a war going on.
     There's always a class struggle in any capitalist country, clearly, but sometimes it gets
     particularly vicious. There's a war going on in the United States, in which haves are
     trying to amass more at the expense of have-nots, i.e.: capital at the expense of
     labour. And that's been going on now for quite some time, and it's leading to an
     awareness that there's an enemy, that there's somebody out to get us, that there's
     somebody out to do us harm. But the remarkable success in the US of capital has
     been to translate a lot of that anger into anger at the government, which is why you
     see these right wing groups, like the fascists, and the militia -- they often have a very
     significant working class base. There's a real anger there, and it's a real
     consciousness that the down and out are being put upon, and that more and more is
     being taken away. But that anger gets directed at the government, not at
     corporations. Corporations don't exist in the US. When I'm out giving talks, one
     question I'm often asked is "Is there any room for hope?" And what I usually answer
     is this: if you could go get Joe Hill or somebody, some organizer from 50 or 70 years
     ago, and you could bring them back, and give them a week to look around, and then
     ask them if there was any hope, they would say "What the fuck is WRONG with
     you people? This is an organizer's DREAM! What is your problem? EVERYBODY
     out there is angry. EVERYBODY out there doesn't trust authority. EVERYBODY
     out there doesn't trust the rich. EVERYBODY out there wants a change.

CD: So how do you account for the current inertia?

     MA: If you look from the mid-'60s to now, what has the Left been doing, in a broad
     sense of the term? It seems to me that in the past thirty years what the left has been
     doing is explaining how everything is broken -- explaining how and why everything
     hurts -- and they've been doing that over and over and over. And when you did that
     in 1962, 1963, even up to the early 1970s, you were talking to audiences who
     thought everything was fine, who thought that the only reason any pain existed in
     their lives was because of them; everybody else was doing fine. People didn't even
     know there was poverty; there were actually books published exposing the existence
     of poverty. And when the women's movement started, it was a revelation that others
     suffered. And that led to an upsurge of energy, and to a desire to do something, and
     there was no reason to think you couldn't succeed. Everybody had hope, and so
     these big movements were born. At that time, our behavior worked. But if you do it
     for thirty years, after a while you succeed -- and we have succeeded, I think.
     Decades ago, people thought that doctors existed to provide health care, that
     corporations were concerned with the health and well-being of consumers. People
     thought that lawyers believed in justice -- this is true -- and that the government was
     a benevolent institution. And as those things crashed, people got mad, and now
     nobody believes any of that shit any more. There is a very different consciousness
     now. Nobody thinks that doctors are out for anything but money, or that lawyers
     give a damn about justice, and nobody thinks that the executive of a corporation is
     concerned with our well-being.

     CD: So there's a kind of nihilism.

     MA: And it's as much our fault -- on the left -- as anyone's. After years of saying
     what's wrong, what do we say about vision, what about strategy? Nothing. Not a
     thing, just hour after hour, month after month, year after year, of "Here's how bad it
     is, and here's how strong they are." I don't even think there are many Leftists around
     who think we can win. There are a lot of people who want to fight the good fight,
     who want to be on the right side, but I don't know many who actually think we can
     win anything. Well, what is that? After a while, you might as well go to the beach.
     Internally, there's a pessimism -- so while class consciousness may go up, the belief
     that you can actually accomplish anything is very low.

     CD: Is it not also true that there has been an incredible blitz from the right, an
     orchestrated campaign?

     MA: Sure, and it has some effect. It doesn't convince you that the fact that you can't
     afford to live well is pleasant -- they don't bother trying to convince people in
     poverty that their poverty is pleasant -- but what it can do is make you feel that it's
     your fault, it can make you feel that you're inadequate because you suffer. If you're
     going to make a revolution in China, when they had a revolution, you don't have to
     convince people that starving is painful -- they know that. What you have to do is
     convince people is that you can deliver rice, and some dignity. What are you going
     to have to do to make a revolution in North America? It's going to take more than
     the promise of rice and dignity. You have to convince people that: you can fight city
     hall, and win; and that if you do win, you'll establish something better, and not just
     replace the old boss with a new boss. And the left has done almost nothing on either
     of those two fronts. We've done something in terms of fighting, and we've won some
     fights, although we have a remarkable capacity to snatch defeat from the jaws of

     CD: That's always been one of the complaints about Chomsky, for example, that he
     has fantastic analysis, and nothing positive.

     MA: Well, he says "This is what I do, and I do it well, and I don't do the other well."
     Which is fine -- especially in his case, because he does it so well that it has a
     tremendous effect on people -- except that nobody does the other. Very few people
     are providing future vision. And think about why: if you have to choose between
     writing something about vision and strategy, and writing about how everything is
     wrong, it's not hard to figure out which of those things is most likely to leave you
     looking stupid. It's very hard for us at Z to find any submissions that are at all

     CD: But are you talking about these issues on the collective?

     MA: At Z there are only three of us, but at, say, South End Press, there's no time.
     You probably have the same experience at Canadian Dimension -- you do the thing,
     and then how much time is there left to actually talk about politics? South End,
     however, actually embodies some radical principles in its structure, which is based
     on the principles that me and this other fellow, Robin Hahnel, developed. So you
     could look at the response to that. Really, it's a sad situation we're in now, as radical
     economists. URPE, the Union of Radical Political Economists in the United States is
     now largely pro-market. I think that's pathetic. Really pathetic, in the sense that two
     or three decades ago almost all radical economists would have been market
     abolitionists. Now they're not, and there's no explanation, no reasons given for why
     all their analysis was wrong. They don't do that because they can't do that, because
     all of their analysis was right. So why are people now pro-market? Because if you
     say you are against markets, you are branded a lunatic in the academy. So you don't
     say that. And after a while, you can't believe differently.

     CD: So what do you say, Michael?

     MA: I'm a market abolitionist. I don't have any problem saying that.

     CD: You just mentioned one economic vision -- participatory economics, developed
     by you and Robin Hahnel. Can you tell us what that is?

     MA: A friend and I, Robin Hahnel, have tried to argue in favour of a kind of
     economy that we think would really fulfill what nearly every leftist says when they're
     asked what values they'd like to see in an economy. It's a system that emphasis these
     values: solidarity; diversity; equity -- meaning not just material conditions, but also
     circumstances, so you don't have some people working fulfilling, empowering jobs,
     and others working bad ones; and self management, which means you have a system
     of decision making, a system of allocation that guarantees that each person can
     influence decisions to the degree that they're affected by them. And we've developed
     a rather comprehensive model of this participatory economy, as well as critiques of
     other alternate economies that have been put forward. And the only ones that have
     been put forward, in a substantial fashion, are what's called market socialism, as in
     Yugoslavia, and what's called centrally planned socialism. At least, you can call them
     that, but if you do you can't say that socialism means workers in control, because in
     those kinds of economies workers weren't in control of anything. Instead, a class of
     people -- an economically defined group -- that you can call managerial class, or
     coordinator class, have access to decision making power not by virtue of owning a
     deed to property, but by having a monopoly on skills and decision making -- and
     they run the show. That's not the kind of an economy that I want, but it is the kind of
     economy that a lot of people on the left have historically wanted, largely I think
     because it reflects their class interests. I am not a Marxist, but lots of ideas in
     Marxism are very powerful, and one of them is to try to understand how political
     positions are derived from the economic interests of groups that hold those positions.
     Intellectuals are a part of this coordinator class, and they also are in charge, in a lot
     of ways, of much of the discussion on the left.

     CD: To return to this notion of class consciousness, one of the things you said is that
     working people direct their anger toward the coordinator class, yet that's where they
     most want to go. That must be increadibly insidious.

     MA: It is. To me it's one of the saddest and one of the most indicative things about
     capitalism. A working class family -- and anyone who is part of a working class
     family knows this from experience -- does have tremendous class consciousness of a
     certain kind. It's centered around people in their lives who have power over them.
     Most working people in North America have not only never encountered a
     capitalist, they've never even seen one, or even been in the vicinity of one, except
     maybe unknowingly. No interaction with them whatever. Yet on a fairly regular basis
     they have interactions with this other group of people I'm talking about: doctors,
     lawyers, academics. People who define the character of their lives, and who have a
     relative monopoly on decision making power and on information, and who see
     themselves as superior.

     And working people describe to you their reaction to the coordinator class in the
     same terms that women talk about men, or blacks in my country talk about whites,
     at least when they are talking about their anger. They'll say that this group of people
     thinks that they're stupid, and sees them as inferior, and just assumes as a matter of
     course, that they will get more, etc. So when the Right comes along and wants to
     drum up anti-liberal bias, what do they do? They identify liberalism with intellectual
     elites. And it works like crazy. So much anti-communist sentiment in the US was, I
     think, a healthy reaction by working people to a shitty system. What was called
     communism in the United States was, for working people, their worst nightmare: it
     was the lawyer or the academic becoming the government and the administrator of
     the economy. If the Left can't address these feelings and concerns of working
     people, then how can the Left possibly organize working people? How can the Left
     be a working class Left in the way it's a feminist or an anti-racist Left, if it isn't even
     aware of these feelings of working class people? And then the point that you made
     -- working class people spend their lives wanting their kids to become that. They
     spend every day working to make their kids become what they hate most. And
     that's very sad.

CD: So how does the Left develop a working class movement?

     MA: The left understands that you can't form a movement organization, or a
     movement institution, and institute inside it patriarchy. Now we don't know exactly
     how to do that yet, but certainly nobody consciously wants it there. Nobody would
     celebrate it, much less set it up deliberately. Nor would we set up apartheid inside
     our organizations -- if a Left organization consciously did that, everybody would be
     nauseated. Now look at class: institution after institution on the left has job
     structures, financial arrangements, even distribution of income that are barely
     distinguishable from what exists in the society at large. Few of the funding
     mechanisms of Left organizations are as progressive as the income tax. There is no
     awareness that replicating class hierarchies is even an issue. Why is that? I think it's
     because most people on the left don't believe in racism, don't believe in sexism, but
     they do believe in intellectuals running the show. And in only a few people getting to
     be intellectuals. "Intellectuals" here meaning "coordinator class."

     This has to do with why I don't call myself a Marxist. I call myself a feminist because
     I think that feminism a a way of thought, a framework, an attempt to deal with
     reality, that's trying to understand gender, sexuality, and kinship relations, and to do
     so from the perspective of people who are oppressed by those things. I would call
     myself in some senses nationalist, or intercommunalist, because I think that's a
     framework that's trying to understand race relations from the perspective of groups
     who are dominated. I would also call myself -- in some sense -- an anarchist, and
     there for political reasons. And I critique all of those things because they aren't
     finished being developed yet, and they are all myopic, in some ways, in that they
     point to the importance of the one thing they're interested in, and try to understand
     everything in terms of, say, gender or race only, and I think that's wrong. Now when
     you get to Marxism, I have the same critique -- a criticism of its economism. Of its
     over-exaggeration or over-emphasis of the economy. But I also have another
     critique, which is that I don't think Marxism looks at the economy from the point of
     view of the workers, from the point of view of the worst off. One part of Marxism I
     really like is the idea of taking an ideology and examining it to see whose interests it
     serves. When good Marxists do that with bourgeois economics, they look at the
     body of thought, and they recognize that neo classical economics isn't all wrong: it
     examines the world, but its world view leaves some stuff out, and the reason it leaves
     stuff out is to serve a certain ideological interest. It just rationalizes the economy we
     have; nobody uses neo-classical economics to run their business. Now suppose you
     use the same criteria to look at Marxism. You can pile up all the books on Marxism
     on the planet, and I defy you to find -- with very, very rare exceptions -- a vision of
     what they want for the economy that doesn't serve the interests of the coordinator
     class. There's never been a Marxist party, much less Marxists in power, who have
     ever proposed anything for the economy that was not in the interest of a new ruling
     class as opposed to workers. A Marxist would look at that and say, "That tells us

     CD: How useful is Marxist analysis?

     MA: For some things it's very useful. Some of Marxism's critique of capitalism is
     very powerful in many respects. But here's an example of one way it doesn't work.
     One time I was trying to raise money from this guy I knew who was loaded, and he
     owned, among other things, a film production studio. And I asked him why
     everything is so goddamn slow, why everything takes so long to get done. And he
     described how the screenplay is sent in, and he can't deal with it all, so he hires these
     people who are kind of like vice presidents, and what they do is go out and make
     power for themselves. They have an interest in creating a situation in which they are
     indespensible, and therefore have power. They're the coordinator class, and he says
     he can't control them. In the same way, the capitalist needs mangers because he
     can't administer everything first hand. Well, Marxism doesn't have much to say about
     any of this shit. Why? Because there's a hole. The coordinator class is missing. The
     class that benefits most from Marxist theory is absent from the theory. So, I'm not
     Marxist because I'm socialist. That's the strange thing.

     CD: Not that strange; there were socialists before Marx.

     MA: True. But there were people who accurately predicted what would happen,
     that Marxism wouldn't lead to dictatorship of the proletariet, but of a bunch of
     intellectuals. And athey were right. So why didn't Marx recognize that, even though
     the ideas were in the air at that time? Could be because he was just wrong. Or it
     could be that even though he was a good person, maybe -- as he might say himself
     -- his ability to perceive the world around him was hindered by his own

     CD: I think you tend to read him back through Stalin and Lenin. Though someone
     like Mezaros reads him instead through Luxemburg.

     MA: Here's why I almost never want to say anything about Marx -- I always talk
     about Marxism. One's a history of thought question, but the other's a political

     CD: There is a serious reconsideration of Marx going on.

     MA: But don't you find something strange about that? Imagine reconsidering Louis
     Pasteur, or reconsidering Einstein. Why would we have to do that? The textbook
     gets it right -- a science textbook doesn't have Einstein's theories different than
     Einstein did.

     CD: Social theory is a bit different than scientific theory.

     MA: Yeah, it's gobbledygook. Joan Robinson, the English economist, has this great
     exchange. She has one passage in "Why I'm not a Marxist," in which she says, If I'm
     at lunch with somebody who asks me a question about the way capitalism works, I'll
     take out a napkin and a pencil and try to figure out the answer, and I might figure it
     out or I might not. But if you do the same thing with a Marxist, they'll take out a
     volume of Capital, and turn to some page in it and try to find the answer. She says
     that's absurd. And she's right.

