Rick Collier has provided this list of Sci-fi novels for Leftists.

 Not all of the following novels necessarily present
leftwing perspectives, at least not directly; many, however, are very
critical of capitalist structures and institutions.  Still others, are
interesting because of their lack of questioning of these structures
and institutions, or even because of their uncritical praise for these


Aldiss--The Long Afternoon of Earth;Barefoot In the Head                                                                                      
Asimov-- I, Robot                                                      
Blish--A Case of Conscience                                                     
Bradbury-- Fahrenheit 451           
Brunner--Stand on Zanzibar                                                                                                
Clarke--Childhood's End; 
deCamp--Lest Darkness Fall                                                                                             
Dick--The Man in High Castle; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?                                                        
Haldeman--The Forever War                                                       
Heinlein-- Starship Troopers; Stranger in a Strange Land; The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress                                                                                                                               
Huxley--Brave New World                                                         
Keyes--Flowers for Algernon                                                     
Kuttner--The Best of Henry Kuttner                                              
LeGuin--The Left Hand of Darkness; The Dispossessed            
Lem-- Solaris                                                                           
Miller--A Canticle for Leibowitz; Best of Walter Miller                                                                                         
Pohl & Kornbluth--The Space Merchants                                           
Sturgeon--More Than Human; Venus Plus X                
Tiptree, jr.--Up the Walls of the World; Warm Worlds and Otherwise; "Houston, Houston,
Do You Read?"              
van Vogt--Slan!                                                                                        
Wells--War of the Worlds; The Time Machine; Island of Dr. Moreau                
Williamson--Best of Jack Williamson                                             
Zamiatin -- We

    Source: geocities.com/capitolhill/7078

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