Greek Kingdoms and City-States 

Attica (Athens)

by Johannes Weigand
   The silver/white field represents the silver brought to the Athenians by their early king Erichthonios. The blue represents the sea, the base of Athenian wealth. The olive-branch represents the branch given to the people by Athena to win the contest of power against Poseidon, the god of the sea.


by Johannes Weigand
   The blue represents the sea that surrounds the island, and the bull was a holy animal on the island. The meander on the border between white and blue signifies for the labyrinth in Knossos.


by Johannes Weigand
   Representing a people in Greece before the Indoeuropeans came, the flag represents the year's cycle. The white, red, and black strips represent both the cycle of spring-summer-fall and child-adult-elder. The white symbols in the upper half represent the cresent moon, the full moon, and the waning moon. The three values can also represent Kore, Demeter, and Hekate.

Phokis (Delphi)

by Johannes Weigand

   The golden sun stands for Phoibos Apollo, and the dolphin was holy animal of Apollo. The light blue represents the sea.


by Johannes Weigand

   Rhodes was said to have surfaced out of the sea and given to Helios (the sun). Helios had seven children with the nymph Rhode, represented by the seven rays on the sun. The dove and the rose represent Aphrodite, who had one of her main temples on the island.


by Johannes Weigand
   Red signifies Ares, the god of war, silver/white signifies Artemis, godess of the moon. The stars are in the pattern of the constellation Orion the warrior, the lover of Artemis.

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