Through Virtue There Is Strength


NEW! The Voice of Freedom, our thought-provoking political journal, is now online! Click here

Is your existance dull and boring?
Are you constantly wondering where you stand on the issues?
Has the sensationalist media driven you to the edge of sanity?


Join a group that would make your nanny proud. Be a part of the group which will let you be an individual, and not just another face in the masses of your generation. Don't let your opinion go to waste-- Display it for all the world to see! To join our crusade, you don't need to be politically correct, you should just be human.

WANTED: Conservative and outspoken NCTC Student to continue this organization into Spring of 2000. If you're that lone Republican defender in class, or know somebody who is, e-mail


We are a concerned, conservative political action group on our campus that believes in and adheres to the Republican platform, a strict interpretation of the United States Constitution, Texas Law, and conservative moral philosophy. We believe that America is slowly becoming a socialist democracy, rather than a free republic as it was founded. Calling for an end to temporary financial answers to social problems, we stand by the belief that most people, when unrestricted, can provide ways to care for themselves (people can be quite ingenious when you let'd be surprised!).

We provide support to those whose views have been supressed, or have had their safety violated by liberalist agendas. 'Tolerance' is the new morallity according to political correctness (oftentimes replacing love) Unfortunately, it almost always makes an exception in the case of Christians. It does not promote the toleration of people who stand by traditional family structures, and it certainly doesn't intend to show tolerant approval of christian evangelism. 'Tolerance', as it is now politically defined, is a hypocricy-- Perhaps an attempt to usher in moral anarchy. We also support the right to personal defense. Liberal officials that ban guns ensure that the only people who are armed are criminals and police; thus we are helpless pawns in a state war on crime. May the people remain armed! We support our Senator Phil Gramm when he said, "We should be as tough on criminals as they are on us".

We will expose any half-truths that exist in our many major media outlets that seek to discredit the Republican party. The three major news networks seem to agree with democrat Dick Gephardt when he charges that we Republicans are taking food right out of childrens' mouths. They call our business policies "scorched earth". We are often portrayed as rich, snobby, aristocrats with no regard for the working class. We think that this unbased assault on the one true American party is inexcusable, and worthy of a thorough investigation as to why the media allows liberals to bend the truth, while anything with a conservative slant is labeled 'extreme'.

We encourage the involvement in and the continued leadership of our Republic. Apathy is N.C.T.C.R.'s number one nemesis. We are trying to break those walls of indifference by showing that political parties were formed so the common man can access and have a voice in government. We make political motivation fun by publishing an intersting (and not hopelessly boring) newsletter entitled "The Voice of Freedom". It is our firm belief that our nation functions by the leadership of an elected few, who are ushered in by the consent of the governed. If the leaders, or the people (or both), loose their virtue and/or concern, our nation suffers. Corrupt politicians are a prime example of bad leadership. Masses of people being ruled by petty fads and temporary popular concerns (populism) is an example of why we're not a direct democracy.

"Through Virtue There Is Strength"

Click Here for The Principles of the Republican Party


NCTCR Road Trip '96

Common Sense Earth Defense is a conservative commitee dedicated to preserving nature by common sense activity. Big business is often the scape goat for environmental desicration, and allthough business may be a contributor, it is not the only factor. We believe, through scientific study and personal obsevation, that not all environmental damage is done by man. NASA scans indicate that volcanoes contribute to global warming a lot more than cars do. What damage that is done by man can be reversed by individual intiative. The program was started in response to some radical statements made at N.C.T.C. Earth Day 1996...."There are enough nuclear missles to destroy Jupiter", "the Republicans are responsible for Earth's demise as chief planet of the solar system", "Chocolate is a major cause of insanity in our society". Any reasonable American can tell that this kind of extremism should be countered. We promote individual efforts to make less ecological impact (like making less trips to town, reusing junk-mail as message paper, Buying items in reusable, refillable containers, etc.) The little things we do make more of a difference than legislation or United Nations intervention ever will!

In spring of 1997, NCTCR produced enough consevative Earth Day posters to counter the typical messages and was pleased to obseve that NCTC Earth Day 1997 was a 'membership drive' for State Park volunteers.

Political Road Trips: NCTC Republicans encourages the involvement of students in government from not just a campus perspective, but from also a state and national view. We are open to any chance to visit the Capitol, state offices, historic sites, and Republican conventions.

During Sping Break 1997, NCTC Republicans visited the Texas House of Representatives, were recognized by the House during session, and presented a Texas flag from Representative Ron Clark. Clark also arranged for members to take a special tour of the Capitol, including the area which is normally not accesible to tourists.

Voter Activity/Election Officiating: NCTC Republicans are affiliated with the Cooke County Republican Party. We help out with GOTV (Get Out The Vote) and running form poll to poll, collecting information on how many people came to vote. We also help with the construction (and destruction) of campaign signs and aid in their distribution (and collection).

Due to the efforts of Cooke County Republicans with some help from NCTCR, Bob Dole won by a considerable margin in Cooke County, and most Republican candidates were elected. Not bad considering that the county had NO Republican party less than 10 years ago.

The Voice Of Freedom, NCTC's only student-compiled, conservative, political power publication, is our main vessel to get the message out on campus. As described earlier in this page, it is a newsletter/political-thought journal which serves as a counter-balance to liberal ideals which go virtually unchallenged.Students and Faculty (and guest writers) are welcome to write in as often as they wish. Comics are welcome, as well are different/unique writing styles, parodies, and new ideals (First Ammendment all the way!!!). Click here to view a text-only Version Online.

The Voice of Freedom has been recognized by three different publications, and even included in an article appearing in the county's Democratic Women's newsletter. It is unsurpassed by most community college political publications (so much to where we were disqualified in a state-wide newsletter contest for being more than "just a newsletter").


NCTC Republicans has one (1) paid position. That's right, our beloved Vice-President recieves a semester salary of $0.12!

"Barq's" Root Beer cannot be pronounced "Barks" during an NCTCR meeting according to a provisional ammendment passed in Fall '96. It must be pronounced "Bargs", or the perpetrator can be thrown out of the meeting place by the NCTCR Sentinel.

DID YOU KNOW that NCTC Republicans were recognized by the Texas House of Representatives? They were also presented with a flag, previously flown over the Capitol.


The Voice of Freedom Issue 9 is now available! Voice of Freedom Issue 9 is here! E-mail to submit an article.

We are compiling a list of organizations that are attempting to thwart our American identity and harm our national security. Click here for a list of Anti-patriotic organizations.

E-mail all suggestions, questions or general concerns to NCTCR Founder and Charter President Andrew Hogue, at He is now President of the UNT Conservative Student Alliance

Thank you for visiting this site, and keep the conservative revolution going!

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