Questionable Activites.

I decided the

Office de la Langue Francaise

needed their own webpage.

  • Ontario gives Quebec an April 1 deadline to open up cross-border Labour access, or else...

  • Why do the PQ think that '50% + 1 is enough to win a referendum?

  • The Flag Flap Battle over the right to display the Canadian flag
  • Referendum Vote fraud aquittal "I was just following orders". Hmmm? Where have we heard that one before?
    An appeal is under way.

  • Vote fraud appeal update No surprise here, the aquittals were upheld

  • Oh, Now I get it! Quebec's borders are not negotiable; Newfoundland's borders apparently are.
  • Hydro Quebec plans to settle 700 workers and their families to James Bay area
  • Here's the Cree version of the Hydro-Quebec story.
  • Restricting English access to Hosptials.
  • Language Police Patrolling Internet.
  • Quebec controls Web?!
  • They're at it again, mom. 132,000 spoiled election votes in Quebec. Straight from Elections Canada. (note, the next closest was Ontario with 30,000) How come our vigilant media NEGLECTED to mention this!
  • Foreign investment Strategy?
  • Spoiling of non-francophone referendum votes (including mine!)
  • "Letter of offer" (read sedition) to Canadian Armed Forces members. (my favourite!)
  • Illegal unilateral declaration of independance.
  • Language discrimination.