October - 1997 Virtual Newsletter

New Emerald Leaders


Tom Herzog of Central Operations has succeeded Hugh O'Rourke as PES President. Hugh remains with the PES as a trustee. Tom can be reached at (518) 473-5422.


Kathy Graham of Sing Sing C.F. has moved up from Treasurer to First Vice-President. Carole Weaver of Central Office replaces Kathy as Treasurer. Also assisting are Regional Vice-Presidents Kevin Muldoon of Suffolk, Bob Thayer of Albany, Jim Fallon of Cape Vincent C.F. and Kevin McCarthy of Syracuse.


Acting as Trustees will be past PES Presidents John Rogan of Peekskill, Mike Hayden of Central Operations and Hugh O'Rourke-retired.

Annual Christmas Bash December 4th

The Third Annual Parole Emerald Society Christmas Party is scheduled for Thursday, December 4th. The location will be the same as last year - the Day's Inn in Glenmont - just outside Albany. The cost is only a few bucks and a good time has been had by all in recent years. Beer, soda, food, music, bagpipers and dancing will mark the event, so set the date now. A flier will be coming your way at the end of October.

Grand Council Activities Update

The Grand Council of United Emerald Societiescontinues to meet the first Wednesday of every month at the Castle Harbor Casino, Haviland Avenue, in the Bronx. Meetings begin at 8:00 PM. PES delegates to the Grand Council include Mike Hayden Grand Council First Vice President, John Rogan, Bill Graham of Peekskill, Rich Heffernon of the Bronx and Tom Herzog.

The 21st Annual Dinner Dance of the Grand Council will be held on Friday, November 21, 1997. The Dinner begins with cocktails at 8:00 PM and will be held this year at Antun's in Queens Village. The honoree for this year's dance is Robert J. Burke, founder and president of the Queens Surface Transit Authority Emeralds. Kathy Graham will be arranging the PES contingent to the dinner dance. Give her a call for more info and to make reservations.

The Grand Council, in conjunction with the Emerald Societies of the NYPD, FDNY, NYC Corrections and the Nassau Police, are sponsoring a "CIGAR NIGHT" November 13, 1997 at Mulcahy's, 3232 Railroad Avenue in Wantagh, downstairs from the train station. All proceeds will benefit the Great Irish Hunger Memorial in Battery Park. Coast is $50.00 and includes open bar and buffet, live music, DJ and premium cigars. For information, contact Bill Whelan of FDNY at (718) 332-8125 or Tom Herzog.

The PES Has A New Address

Please note that we have a new address. This is very important for things like sending in your DUES. The new PES address is:

PO Box 6148

Parole Emeralds Show Class On The Golf Course

What else can you expect from an Irishman on the golf course except success. Congratulations go out to all our PES members who were recent winners at the 12th Annual Parole Open held up in Albany. PES President Tom Herzog organizes the tournament every year and Parole golfers from all over the state go up to Albany for a great time.

Winners this year included PES members Joe DeVita of Poughkeepsie, Mike White of Suffolk and Rich Bitel of Albany in the Low Gross Score category. A-Flight Winners included Tom Herzog while B-Flight winners included PES members Eric Czupil and Mike Buckman of Central Office. Cira DiPietro of Summit CF was the ladies champion.

Congratulations also go out to Past PES President Mike Hayden and to Cira DiPietro who both scored a hole-in-one over this past summer. Career firsts for both golfers.

PES members Steve Whitbeck and Mark Miller of the Albany Office also took first place in the Albany PD tournament this past Summer in a team event.

PES Members Moving Up

Promotions came the way of PES members Ed Powers of Region III and Paul Murphy of Metro I this past year. Ed takes over the Regional Program Services job in Region III and Paul has been promoted to Senior Parole Officer in the Office of Professional Responsibility. Congratulations guys.

Emerald Society Merchandise

New PES officers Tom Herzog and Carole Weaver have announced that they will be pioneering an effort to establish officially licensed Parole Emerald Society merchandise that all PES members will be able to purchase. A new Parole Emerald Society LOGO is being developed for placement on hats, shirts, beer glasses, coffee mugs, etc. Watch for information in the coming months as they unveil the products which they hope will be available for Christmas in 1997.

St. Patricks Day Parade Committee

Parole Emeralds have been marching in the City of Yonkers St. Patricks Day Parade for a couple of years. This year, Bill Graham of Peekskill will be organizing the PES effort to boost our turnout at the parade for 1998. Anyone interested in givng Bill a hand can call him at his office in Peekskill ASU.


Please take the time to fill out the PES data sheet and return it to our new PO Box in Albany as soon as you can. The PES is developing a database for all our members that will allow us to better communicate news to you about the organization, upcoming events and information on our Irish heritage.

We also ask that you put a check in the mail to us for your 1997-98 DUES. We have no intention of raising the DUES and thus, we are only asking you for $10.00 to keep you as a member in good standing for the 1997-98 year. We have begun a new fiscal process and our fiscal year will run from November 1, 1997 to October 31, 1998.

A paid membership will ensure the continuing viability of the PES as we move forward into 1998. It will also ensure that you continue to receive updates about PES activities, including regular newsletters.