Open letter to Bill Clinton

16 September 1998

Ever since you took office, it's been clear that the power brokers you promised to serve to obtain your office will turn on you and throw you away when they've gotten everything they want out of you.

You have been a faithful servant to them, filling all the top posts of government with the people they asked you to, obtaining the passage of NAFTA, GATT, the "assault weapons" ban, and the "crime bill." Each of those "big four" may sound nice on the surface, but are filled with provisions that constitute grave acts of treason against the American people.

The service you have provided to the power brokers guarantees the destruction of the American republic, and the consolidation of all power in the hands of the power brokers. You have brought them to the doorstep of their dream of outlawing the freedom that America represents, and subjecting the entire population of Earth to absolute control over every detail of their lives.

You have brought them to the doorstep of their dream, but you yourself will not be allowed to enter in. Your personal life is an embarrassment to them. Now that you have given them everything they want, they are now in the process of throwing you away, just as I forecast as soon as you were elected. Senator Lieberman has sent the signal. You are no longer the sacred cow. The media, who have treated you so favorably, have now turned on you. The power brokers you served never were your friends. They were only using you. This abandonment of you we now see was planned from the beginning.

Your reign has ended. The people you thought were your friends are through with you. You cannot salvage your presidency. They will remove you, one way or another. But you can salvage your place in history. You can make a live, prime time broadcast, telling exactly whom you have served and what you have done for them. Even better, fire all the back stabbers and replace them with people who will actually serve the American people, instead of the power brokers.

To tell the truth about the people who used you and are now throwing you away would be an act of truly heroic proportions. You would be remembered throughout all eternity as the man who finally stood up against the true enemies of the American people.

The affair with Miss Lewinsky was a quite trivial matter. Please, Mr President, tell the American people the truth about the things that REALLY count. And you'd better do it soon. The longer you wait, the more valuable you become to the power brokers dead than alive.

You've already done everything you can for them. Your only value to them now is as a publicity stunt. This same ruling clique murdered Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. They will not hesitate to kill you. No doubt they will blame it on "right wing extremists," but the power brokers are the only ones who stand to profit by your death. Their agenda benefits from a flood of public sympathy, while they replace you with one of their own; someone who was born an insider.

They never cared about you. Why should you keep on being loyal to them? They have already betrayed you. It's about time you finally give them what they deserve.


Please re-post and e-mail this message as widely as possible. Print it out, copy, and distribute it. Perhaps somebody will have a chance to hand the message to him personally.

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