Eyewitness account of the FBI occupation of Andrews, North Carolina

On the weekend of 19 February 1999, members of the 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry participated in "Operation Snipe Hunt." The mission was to reconnoiter the area of Andrews NC, in order to obtain as much detail and footage of the FBI operatives in that region as possible. While performed on the weekend, which is usually rather quiet compared to a weekday, there was still plenty of evidence that the feds have a good sized element in the area, and they're there for the long haul.

The crew was taken on a "narrated tour" by several of the locals, which took the viewer from the edge of town, working their way past points of interest, such as the gazebo from which the major press releases were made, the initial building in which the FBI set up temporary HQ, and the steps from which the infamous laser beam was flashed across a government chopper pilot's helmet. From there, they were escorted to a lot behind the grocery store, behind the hospital to where the federal compound has been erected.

An eight foot high fence encompasses the facility, with seismic detection devices placed near the perimeter to alert the feds of intruders. UH-1H military choppers sit on landing pads just outside the large warehouse-like structure. All brush and trees have been cleared for at least 50 meters on all sides in order to clear fields of view/fire. Cameras sit high atop and halfway up the light poles within the compound, allowing a complete 360 degree video surveillance of the place. Dogs are housed in small kennels on the west end of the building.

The team noted two large motor home vehicles equipped with small antennas and satellite dishes, and a fifth wheel command post parked on the north side of the building. The locals were surprised to see that the feds had recently erected a portable hangar that was large enough to conceal several choppers or other military equipment.

A small guard shack with armed security sits at the only gate into the facility. Civilian housing is located just over 40 meters from the north fence, and the frequent air traffic and vehicle movement is a constant annoyance to the residents. Despite regulations restricting air traffic over hospitals, the feds fly pretty much where they want, when they want. Some of the local churches have asked that the chopper activity at least be curtailed during service hours. The feds have complied thus far.

New stadium lights line the road just east of the compound, illuminating a line of houses from which 8 rounds of 7.62x39mm were fired into the building within the compound. Rumor from the local press is that the shots may have been in retaliation for a supposed affair one of the local's wives and a fed were having.

Several families have moved away, due to unwarranted harassment from the FBI. According to local sources, one family whose property is near the compound, and whose only access passed in front of the gate, was required by the feds to sign in and out whenever they left and returned to their home. They were also required to notify the federal officials of any incoming/outgoing guests.

An incident not reported in the media involves the shooting death of a federal agent. One account is that it was one of several situations in which a federal agent had seduced and slept with a local man's wife. The man was said to have killed the agent in a fit of rage. The other account is that the agent was killed by another FBI agent who was jealous over the relationship he had with one of the local women.

Either way, the locals, including the press and the police and sheriff, aren't happy about the way the feds have been conducting themselves. And they certainly aren't pleased with the fact that the FBI continues to requisition more equipment and manpower to supposedly hunt down Eric Rudolph. After a year and several months of searching for this individual, allowing a window of opportunity large enough to sneak a herd of elephants through, it is the general consensus of most people that Eric is either dead or has fled to another area. Yet the feds remain in force, showing that they have no intention of leaving, even if they do complete their alleged mission.

It might serve to enlighten the reader that the FBI made is presence known months in advance of there even being a search for Rudolph. While they may have been investigating Eric, the fact remains that they did little or nothing to prevent the bombing, and had already had a foothold in the area, which they have now beefed up to military like encampments. Coupled with the knowledge that constitutionist, patriotic, freedom loving people have been moving into the area over the years, it would appear that the government might hold intentions of rounding up these individuals.

Though the reader, through the mere reading of this article, might not understand how one would come to the conclusion that the government is in the area for the patriots, let this author assure you, that is exactly how it appears. The feds routinely set up roadblocks, asking for documentation to prove one's identity. The feds have harassed the locals in manners which appear to be attempts to provoke a violent reaction. They have beaten and even killed some of the locals and livestock.

As soon as the crew from the 91st reached the little town of Andrews, it was evident that something wasn't right. Feds were everywhere; driving around wearing their black assassin uniforms and Kevlar helmets, and out jogging wearing their FBI physical training uniforms. They watch with suspicion every person who isn't one of them, and they take special note of those filming them (though that has become a regular occurance.) Our hotel was full of feds. The Republic Radio International program "Hangin' With The 91st" (every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 pm) was aired from right within the "hornet's nest" itself. Every vehicle in the parking lot except for ours and the hotel employees' were federal or Georgia State Corrections Officers. GSCO were pulled in to provide roadblocks, since that is what they are renowned for.

In conclusion to this update on the situation in Andrews, we were asked by several of the locals to relay the message that this area is not a resort. If you are interested in seeing what is going on, you should be aware of the danger. The locals feel that it will likely come to blows with the feds, and they don't want to have any friendly fire casualties. So please, don't go down there expecting to go sight seeing. We were told that it was fortunate that we didn't have our film confiscated.

Following are facts provided to us by the people of Andrews. Judge for yourself if you think there is reason to be suspicious of the feds' activities there.

1. Federal agents were stationed in Andrews months before any concern about Eric Rudolph began. (Testimony by agents stationed through the first rotation of personnel.)

2. Federal agents are commonly brash, rude, and offensive, and sometimes outright violent and oppressive to the locals of Andrews.

3. An individual reportedly fitting the description of Eric Rudolph was gunned down in his trailer during a "no-knock" entry under warrant. The feds claimed that the individual was startled and leaped in the direction of a firearm, thus justifying the severe response by the government henchmen. (Since the object to be seized under the search warrant was a person, why was a "no-knock" warrant considered necessary? What's the suspect going to do? Flush himself down the toilet?)

4. On the evening in which Philip Rogers allegedly shone his daughter's laser pen light across a chopper pilot's helmet, he and Ramon Sparks were chased, captured, handcuffed, and beaten by the feds, when Ramon attempted to get Philip to the local sheriff's department for safety.

5. During a "town meeting" with the feds, the feds denied it when locals asked about federal agents systematically eliminating the deer population (thus eliminating a possible emergency food supply for the locals). When eyewitnesses came forward to confront them, the meeting was abruptly ended.

6. During the intitial stages of the occupation in Andrews, two federal officials interrupted a Sunday service at a local church where they thought Eric Rudolph might be in attendance. The minister sternly asked them several times to stop being disruptive. "This is God's house and his time. You may join us for worship, or wait to ask your questions." The feds responded by saying to each other that they wouldn't get any information out of those "dumb hillbillies." (Those "dumb hillbillies" at least have enough sense to behave themselves in a civilized manner!)

7. Throughout the entire operation in Andrews, the FBI and their hirelings have conducted themselves in oppressive and overbearing ways. They take what they want, when they want, from whomever they want. The people of Andrews are tired of the government presence. Some businesses have prospered, but for the most part, it isn't enough to compensate for the rights and privacy they have been forced to surrender.

91st O.V.I. Now Heard Live ...

Every first and third Saturday evening of the month, at 10 pm, you can listen to the radio program "Hangin' With The 91st" via Republic Radio International.

Log on the internet at www.audiocasting.com. You will need to be able to receive realtime audio.

It can also be found on:
transponder 14
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The show features a talk radio type format, where listeners can call in. There are also guest speakers, such as Mark Koernke, who co-hosted the show on 20 February, which was broadcast live from Andrews NC.

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