So now here are a few important facts about me:


Contrary to popular misconception, I did not originate in Hell. I was born in Austin, Texas, on July 15, 1969 (that's 29 Tammuz 5729 if you go by religious birthdays). Now you know how old I am and you also know that I am a Cowboys fan (although I personally prefer ice hockey over football because it has far more violence).

I also have a family (and a belly button), since I did not originate in Hell. They are pictured below:

My family in Holland, 1980

Rachel's graduation
Rachel's next graduation

Artist's rendition of my belly button


I have been thinking about my religious beliefs over the past few years and have changed my mind. I have decided to return to Judaism, and if you knew the truth about the "New Testament", you would, too. Did Jesus really fullfill all the prophesies for the Jewish Messiah? You might be surprised about the answer. (Here is a hint: the Jews most definitely still do keep records of the descendants of King David. A very good friend of mine in Israel actually has her genealogical documentation proving it. Bet they didn't tell you that in church, did they?) Click on this link for some mind-blowing information about Jesus. Be forewarned that you might change your mind too if you read it. If you're an atheist, it won't interest you, so don't bother. Then again, you might want to read it just to have some ammo to use against Christian missionaries.


I graduated from Boston University's College of Communication. BU is an awesome school and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone deciding on a college.


I love to argue. (Surprised? I didn't think so.) I never lose arguments.

I love to write. I've written professionally (advertising, news, and proposals) as well as a smattering of foul and depraved lampoons on the Internet. My favorite writers are Faulkner and Rice.

My favorite movies are Muriel's Wedding, Raintree County, Titanic, and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. High Art is also cool but may offend some viewers.

I love music, although I am going deaf (no joke and nothing to do with the volume of the music, either). My favorite pop groups are BZN, ABBA, and Erasure. I spend a lot of money on CDs. I believe there is a time and a place for everything, and that includes the whole MP3 controversy. Downloading new music is not only immoral; it is also stupid, because stealing new music from artists removes the incentive for them to create more nice music. Unfortunately, technology seems to be on the side of the pirates. That said, there is a nice use for MP3 downloads, and that is for finding copies of songs no longer available in stores. I am talking about the kind of song whose melody gets stuck in your head and drives you crazy until you finally hear it again, the kind the radio station only plays once a year. (If you can't remember the name or artist of a song, you can even do an advanced search with the lyrics using a search engine like Altavista or Google. It is truly amazing what one can do with the Internet these days.)

I also love classical music. HOWEVER...



Sport Utility Vehicles (especially in Safety White), Martha Stewart, and that stupid Sapphic sci-fi waste of TV airtime called Xena. They are evil and the symbols of all that is wrong with America.


I just returned to the States after living in Raanana, Israel, for the last three years. (Check out my Yahoo! Photos site for some pictures I took while I was there.)

I am a Republican, and look forward to voting in the upcoming election, although I am not sure if I shall vote for GW in 2004. There are a lot of exciting things going on in the American political arena right now. I am very interested in politics and worked for the Telecom lobby in Washington, DC, before I moved to Israel.

Although I have mixed feelings about the whole Iraq war thing (aren't we being just a tad hypocritical telling Israel it has to put up with terrorism when we have a zero-tolerance policy toward it ourselves?), I do support our soldiers who have fought and/or died there. My cousins's boy just returned from a tour there with the Third Infantry. (He is not at all fat -- it's the body armour. The boy is actually a veritable beanpole.)

A Real HeroRemember this face - there will be a quiz on it later!

Lately I've become very active with organizations dealing with the Holocaust and the Pacific War during World War Two. Eventually, I hope to get my Anne Frank page back up and will include links to other organizations on that page. In the mean time, check out the pages for Irgoen Oleh Holland (the organization for Dutch residents in Israel) and, the reference site for Dutch Jewry. I also hope to add links to Elah (the Dutch psycho-social agency for Holocaust survivors and their children) and Tempo Dulu (Pacific War camp survivors in Israel) in the very near future.

(Yes, I only have to wait one hour after eating meat. Got a problem with that?)

In the mean time, feel free to peruse one of my foul and depraved Internet lampoons, my Monica Lewinsky Hate Page.