Isaac's Opinion on PC

<FONT color="#004080"><FONT size="+3">Isaac's Opinion on PC</FONT></FONT>

Political Correctness, in my opinion, is the realization of Orwell's 1984. Let's see, we have NewSpeak, Big Brother, indoctrinating our kids, you name it. Almost all of what Orwell warned us about is coming true.


Let's see, we no longer have bums or tramps, we now have homeless. We have taken bums and tramps and thrown them in with a group which are truly homeless and deserve our help. The way I see it help is a 2-way proposition. If someone is not willing to do their part, then we are not helping them, we are supporting them. One of the best organizations to see what help is, is Habitat for Humanities. HFH helps people get into their own homes by giving them low interest loans, building a new or fixing up an existing home with the help of the recipients and volunteers and by getting donations for local businesses and builders. The recipient then has to make the payments on the house AND provide a predetermined number of hours on other homes for other people in need of the same type of assistance. This is what I mean by a 2-way proposition. But I digress...bums and tramps DON'T want to work or support themselves. They are satisfied with living hand to mouth and asking for handouts. I say if they want to live that way, let them, if they don't and want to do something about it, help them.
Next, we have handicapped. They are now impaired. Sorry, putting a new word on it only takes away the seriousness of the problem. If a person cannot see, they are blind, NOT visually impaired. If they cannot hear, they are deaf, not hearing impaired. If they cannot walk, they cannot walk, they are not challenged. Giving these new terms merely lessens the tragedy for that person.

Big Brother
Can you say, that's another topic. In the workplace, you can no longer safely complain about another person who is not in you ethnic group, you can't tell most jokes (someone might take offense), Businesses are falling all over themselves filling positions by people who 'fit' the demographics. (Don't get me wrong, I know that every demographic group has qualified people to do every job, I am saying that it's demographics first, qualifications second.) In extreme cases, a man could loose his job for saying a lady looks nice in her new dress, or pats her innocently on the shoulder (I've been to classes at work which have taught me to be careful doing either of these things.)

Indoctrinating our kids

Today, our kids are continually pushed into PC, the schools teach them the PC view of the Rain Forest, environmentalism, religion, you name it. Kids today are taught that if their parents discipline them, they should tell their guidance counselor. Parent's (I am a parent of an elementary student) have a certain apprehension about the schools association with the gesta...uh Child and Family Services agency. A simple spanking has been known to have children taken away from their parents. (A good idea taken too far, protecting children from bad parents was the goal, but what is deemed as bad has been whittled down so far, that parents have to be careful as to how they correct their children!)
Children are taught about the vast value of recycling, they are told to go home and teach mom and dad and report back on their sucess. They are encouraged to report on drinking, smoking, even mom and dad arguing at home....a bit extreme, but it happens.

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