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Other Western Élites

"From I ,  who was born into billions....


....welcome little ones"

Help! Mum! You're scary, I want to go to the nice 'Changes' page

Ladies and Gentlemen.... may I introduce.... his insurmountable highness Da.....avid Rockefeller!

"...uhuh. Look. Tell Conrad to print a rumour that we're going for a controlling interest... then sell the goddam lot! You got that! Errr... What......? (Hushed) Errr....did I? Uh...okay...Ahem..." [and the silky smooth voice switches into gear]

"Well... greetings my precious little children... Now I'm sorry to have to start with some bad news but a little bird has been telling me that some of you have been calling me a very naughty name 'Rocky Raccoon'.  Now that's not my name at all is it.  Normally of course that'd be fine... but our friend Mr. Owl, the wisest of all my birds, says he doesn't think that's a very good idea.  As a matter of fact, he tells me that if that naughty Mr. Crow overhears any of my lovely little children calling their sweet Uncle Rocky 'Rocky Raccoon'  Mr. Crow might just swoop down from the treetops and PECK THEIR GODDAM EYES OUT!   So I hope that's quite clear. And we don't want to upset Mr Owl now do we?"

"Now, as you know, I was clever enough to be born into a little money... Well, most of it's nice Mr. Rothschild's money actually but he's given me a wonderful little interest free loan for a while so it doesn't really matter where it came from. What matters now is that it's mine, and I've got lot's and lots of it and I'm afraid to have to remind you that you haven't. "

"Never mind though I'm sure I can let you have a bit, if you're good little girls and boys.  Well that's why you're here isn't it?"

"But my little project, Chase Manhattan, isn't doing so well these days... and I had to sell most of my very own Rockefeller Centre in New York to the man from Mitsibushi. How irksome! So I've turned my attention to spreading my wonderful American dream right across the known World!  I've set up several Charitable Organisations to keep a gentle eye on your future. "  And if other people don't agree with what I'm doing... I'm sure you do... we can be sure they'll come round, won't they?"

"After World War Two and the inconvenient old atom-bomb I knew our next war might not be so good for business. And all that radiation could be very inconvenient. What would happen to all the drivers, waiters, servants and cooks? How long might I have to stay underground in my pallatial bunker? How would I replace all those wage slaves who had been working for me? That's why I dreamed up the Trilateral Commission and my friends Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, lovely Prince, spawned The Bilderberg Group. To keep the peace we had to get a hold of the world, quite a TIGHT hold. We didn't go round shouting about it of course, no need to make a fuss, just little social clubs for the elite, no, I like to call them human beings, who control 3/4 of the world's wealth. Somehw I just knew you'd prefer total enslavement to my will... to a one-way trip down H-bomb highway."

"Now, my Father and Grandfather were pretty big in Oil. Grandad Johnny, the great philanthropist, turned Standard Oil into quite a firm. So he dabbled in a bit of freemasonry and liked to play at spying, so what eh!?  All other persuits, such as democracy and justice, that stood in the way he found awfully tiring.  He knew what America needed, the twin public services of oil extraction and environmental degradation. You can find out all about how he and the rest of our delightful family stole your wealth and destroyed your cities by downsizing old-fashioned public transport. Remember, we introduced the world to the delights... ho ho ho, of our friend, the murderous motor car."

"And all the dreamed up conspiracy theories about my Rockefeller syndicate, cartel and foundation - I deny them all... or anyway I would if they were true!  Otherwise... You know the family motto: 'No Comment!'"

Back to reality for a moment

David Rockefeller Sr. and family
$1.4 billion Inheritance.

New York City. 81
Widowed, 6 children

Grandson of John D. Rockefeller; youngest of 5 brothers (see Rockefeller family, Laurance, Winthrop). Ph.D. economics. Became international statesman, banker, philanthropist [allegedly ed.]. Founded the Council of the Americas; helped establish the Trilateral Commission, latest favorite target of conspiracy buffs. Led Chase into global expansion; aided the Thais in setting up National Institute for Development Administration; active in mobilizing business behind NAFTA.

Turned over Rockefeller Financial Services to son David 1992. Still has small piece of Rockefeller Center through Goldman Sachs group that bought it. While not the end of the saga, sale of this family landmark is perhaps the end of an age.

The real David. Madman or philanthropist? What kind of stuff does he talk about, what's he into, and what vision (if any) does he have?

The following little gem was sitting there on the internet at

ISCIP: Editorial Digest

Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy.

Editorial Digest Volume II Number 7 (April 23, 1997)

. . . while Zyuganov thunders about Western threat to Russia

Apparently weary from moderating his tone on his January tour of the United States, National Patriotic Front leader Gennadi Zyuganov blasted the current Russian leadership for having "sufficient will only to starve the country for the sake of their personal, selfish interests and in response to the diktat of the International Monetary Fund."

"We should have no illusions," Zyuganov wrote in Sovetskaya Rossiya on April 10. "The West sees Russia as its most dangerous opponent. An opponent who has been weakened, bloodied, and bowed, but not beaten once and for all and who is capable of recovery."

Zyuganov alleged that the collapse of the USSR had been preceded by a meeting of the Bilderberg Club at which "David Rockefeller, a very powerful American banker and head of the highly influential Trilateral Commission" purportedly called for the establishment of a "single world government." "A supranational government of the intellectual elite and world bankers," Zyuganov reported that Rockefeller said, "is preferable to the right of peoples to self-determination." (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 10 Apr 97)

Scary Stuff:

excerpted from

(quoting Mr. Rockefeller):

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years........It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."


New Dawn Magazine: The Rockefeller Syndicate

Bankwatch - who are these Rockefeller Brothers fund guys?

A history of the Rockefeller family

Tony's index Page