Stalin Rocks!

KGB Interrogator: Who do you love?
Prisoner: Liberty!
<KGB tortures Prisoner noisily and at great length>

KGB Interrogator: Who do you love?
Prisoner: Stalin!
KGB Interrogator: Good. Now you may die with a clean conscious.
<KGB executes prisoner with close range shot to the back of the head>

That, my good friends, is what this page is about. Making sure that you die with praises for Stalin on your lips. I wish I could get at each and every one of you and physically convince you that Stalin is who you love; however, torture is hard to accomplish over the internet, so we will have to think of the above story as a metaphor. I hope that by the time you have viewed this web page in its entirety you will be a participant in the wonderful thing called "StalinLuv," and, to all of you repeat viewers: Glory be, you have found the true path.

A Short Biography

Photo Gallery

Ask Stalin

Kill the Kulak!

Email from a stupid Ukrainian

Anti Trotsky

Stalin's Principles of Success