Welcome to Naeem Chaudhry's Geocities Homepage in CyberSpace. I hope you will enjoy your stay in my website.


Dear Friends! Thanks for visiting my website. This site is mainly about my articles, college and Pak links.

Some topics for my articles areĀ  Internet Industry, Internet in Pakistan, ISP Comparative Study, PTCL Paknet Role in Pakistan. My other published articles include My College Life (Humor), Asian Tiger Dream , Auto Industry, Asian Tiger - A Broken Dream (Pak Economy Part II), Newspaper Industry Crises97, Indo-Pak Nuclear Test, Nuclear Test Reactions.

Enjoying meeting interesting people from all walks of life especially computer related. I appreciate humor, intelliegence and inner beauty. I enjoy reading & praying. Having some expertise in designing websites, I have designed websites for me and my friends. Being interested in gaining knowledge, I frequently surf the web in my search for information. Besides these activities, and because of my desire to help solve problems faced by people, I also do some volunteer social work.

These are some brief fact about my life history and now it's the time for you to introduce yourselfThanks again for becoming my guest.


Thanks for visiting my site and I will apreciate if you sign my guestbook.

[Favorites] [Resume] [Profile] [Columns]

Click to read my printed column in Daily Jang on internet

Printed in Daily JANG

paimcols.jpg (4040 bytes)

A humorous article on college life at Pak-AIMS.

A humorous piece on the lighter side of 'Chatting



Last Updated Thursday, February 08, 2001