Author: Linda Wells
Recieved: July 28, 1998

I don't understand the whole abortion issure. There really should be no issue. It's this simple. An unborn baby shouldn't have to pay for what the parents have done. In my opinion, there are only two exceptions. They are rape and the health of the mother. I've known women who were raped and gave the baby up for adoption. After all, the baby shouldn't have to pay for violence. I know there are exceptions though. Other than those two exceptions, I believe abortion is wrong. Knowing that birth control and other means of contraception aren't 100% infallible, adults are taking the chance of pregnancy when they have sexual relations. Are we as primitive as animals? We can control what we do. In animals, it's instinct. Humans were born with choices. We face the consequencees of our choices when we do ANYTHING. A child shouldn't have to be the one to suffer those consequences. I do believe that what a woman does to her body is her own choice, whether it be bad or good. She DOESN'T have the right to choose for another human being. That's exactly what abortion does. It takes the choice away from the baby. Think of the pain involved on the baby in an abortion. They are ripped apart many times. If the baby has been moving, naturally it can feel. We wouldn't wish this on our worse enemy, let alone a baby. We need to take care of our babies, born or not. We will all be judged in the end!

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