Urgent Message for all U.S. Military Personnel:

(This message was prepared in the spring of 1997 in response to a military base's security exercise, the scenario of which was an attack on the base by a militia unit. The message is directed to the Inspector General at that base. All U.S. military personnel need to know these things! NOW!)

I am deeply concerned about the recent security exercise briefing. Of greatest concern is the unrealistic scenario used in the exercise. It is based on Communist disinformation. Focusing solely on that scenario would leave us completely defenseless against most of the real threat. About the only provocation that would bring about such a scenario would be the installation of UN commanders in place of our own.

Here are the facts:

General Benton Partin, USAF, Retired, examined the remains of the Murrah Building in OKC before the evidence was so quickly destroyed. The physical evidence PROVES CONCLUSIVELY that the bombs that killed 169 Americans WERE MOUNTED ON THE COLUMNS INSIDE THE BUILDING! When a bomb away from a concrete column breaks the column, it exposes the aggregate in the concrete, leaving a jagged surface. When a bomb mounted on the column breaks the column, the pressure on the concrete is much higher, turning the concrete into a fine powder until the blast energy is spread over a large enough surface that it will not pulverize the concrete any more. A smooth granular surface is left, just like the remains of the Murrah building.

General Partin photographed the evidence, and provided a copy of his report to every Representative and Senator in Washington. Whether or not their staffers allowed the Congressmen to see the evidence is a different question.

Additional evidence

Additional evidence: two separate seismographs (one eight miles away and the other twenty miles away) clearly recorded TWO explosions about ten seconds apart at the time of the bombing.

Bombing survivor Edie Smith, being interviewed live on CNN, noted that the BATF employees were given the day off the day of the bombing. She has since received several threats against her life.

It is also well documented that BATF conducted bomb handling exercises in the basement of the building the day before the bombing.

The day of the bombing, other unexploded bombs were found in the wreckage. This fact was widely reported the day of the bombing, but has been censored ever since. Likewise with eyewitness reports by people nearby of two clearly distinct explosions in the bombing. It was widely reported the first day, but has been censored ever since.

The evidence is conclusive: the BATF murdered 169 Americans that day to advance a political agenda!

Who benefits?

A basic principle of any criminal investigation is "who benefitted from the crime?" One huge beneficiary is the FBI, who got a $250 million/year increase in their budget as a result. (The same FBI that recently stated that there was no missile involved in the downing of TWA Flight 800, in spite of the video tapes clearly showing and the many eyewitnesses stating that they saw a missile heading up toward the aircraft before it exploded.)

Another beneficiary is Bill Clinton, whose Terror Bill was languishing in Congress before the OKC bombing, but hastily passed afterward.

There is historical precedent for the OKC bombing. In 1933, Hitler's operatives burned the Reichstag in Berlin. The next day, Adolf Hitler went to President Von Hindenburg with a list of proposals just like Bill Clinton's Terror Bill.


America's founding fathers viewed standing armies with such great suspicion that they flat out forbade their existence. Throughout history, standing armies have usually been the primary instrument of oppressing populations. Hence the founding fathers' concern.

But in recent years, the primary instrument of oppression has been "civilian" law enforcement agencies like BATF, FBI, CIA, and FEMA. Our military personnel are generally of a mind to defend Americans rather than attack them. That is, when not influenced by Communist disinformation such as the scenario used in the recent security exercise. When given the truth, most of our military people can be counted on to do the right thing.

Most of the Militia/Patriot movement fully understands this. That is why the exercise scenario is unrealistic. However, there IS a very real threat to our military leaders. It is from the Communist operatives in BATF, FBI, CIA, FEMA, and other such agencies.

Admiral Boorda

For example, a year ago, Bill Clinton ordered the military to sell off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The Navy objected to the order. Suddenly, Admiral Boorda "commits suicide" by shooting himself in the chest with two different calibers of handgun. Yeah, right! This was obviouly a MURDER of an Admiral who balked at jeopardizing national security!

Vince Foster

Then, of course, there's Vince Foster, who supposedly walked 100 yards through the mud without getting his shoes dirty, shot himself straight into the back of his head, using a gun of a type available only to the CIA, and lay on the ground with the blood dripping UP out of the wound to the top of his head! Yeah, right! Sounds plausible to me!

The real threat

It is clear where the threat to national security lies: in Bill Clinton! A man who organized anti-American protests while attending college in England! A man who takes bribes from foreign countries! And openly admits it and even makes excuses for it! A man who openly admitted opposing American independence in a press conference last winter!

Journalist Sarah McClendon asked him, "There are people who believe that you're involved in some sort of conspiracy to do away with American independence. Could you please dispel such rumors?"

His reply was, "The American people are going to have to come to terms with this: how can we maintain our independence in an increasingly interdependent world?"

The USA is still the only country in the world founded on the moral principle that every individual has an absolute right to run his own life! That the government exists to serve the people! Every other country in the world considers the people to exist to serve the government!

The interests of the whole world are best served by a strong, independent America! Only by remaining what we were meant to be can there be any hope for the rest of the world to become like us! There can never be any hope for the rest of the world if we degrade ourselves and become like them!

The subversive shadow government

Many of our military leaders understand this, especially after encountering first hand what's going on behind the scenes, like Admiral Boorda. More and more, the whole world is coming under a power structure that amounts to a government "of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations."

The ruling elite (Rockefellers, etc.) view the whole world and its entire population as THEIR property, to be manipulated for their (the elite's) benefit. They plan to turn the whole world into a private estate, with a much smaller population (which will consume much fewer goods) being their servants. Hence the term "global plantation."

The Rockefellers exercise heavy influence on governments, working toward having outright control. That's why they give Bill Clinton an all expense paid vacation at the Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming every August! (If you or I would accept such a lavish present from a contractor (There's hardly an area of government where Rockefeller doesn't have contracts!) we'd be in prison before we could blink!)

Another murder

Speaking of which, brings us to ANOTHER murder of military personnel! Eyewitnesses of the C-130 crash in August 1996, carrying the Presidential Limousine and chauffeurs, report seeing the airplane explode BEFORE it hit the mountain! Apparently the chauffeurs heard some conversations they weren't supposed to hear!

Still another murder: JFK!

Speaking of murder, the same network of people arranged the assasination of President Kennedy in 1963. JFK grew up sincerely believing in the liberal/socialist agenda. When he became president, he began to meet face to face with the real power brokers behind socialism. Once he became aware of the reality, he started to do the right thing. He issued silver certificates, taking a step toward restoring lawful money. (Another basic criminal investigation principle: follow the money! It will lead you to the criminal!)

Ten days before his assasination, JFK gave a speech at Columbia University, stating that there exists a conspiracy to destroy America, and that he is opposing it in every way possible. He had planned to give the same speech in Dallas the day he ended up being killed.

There exists film footage of JFKs motorcade leaving the grounds of the Dallas airport that day. Just as the cars started going out the gate, the supervisor of the Secret Service unit ordered the two guards who normally stand on the rear bumper of the president's car to jump off. They obeyed the order, and can be seen waving their arms incredulously at having been given such a treasonous order.

That is the REAL threat! Traitors who have infiltrated our own security forces! It has already killed presidents and admirals and other key personnel! It is long overdue for our military to stop allowing Hollywood to direct our security policy! Our policies need to be geared toward REALITY! Not the Hollywood generated images we see nightly on the evening "news"!

That's probably enough about the threat for now. Here are some recommendations for physical and national security:

When one attains the rank of General (or maybe Colonel) he should have a personal security force. He should choose the people himself, preferably from among his close personal friends. His personal security force should stay with him through the rest of his career. That would have prevented the JFK tragedy.

Every high ranking officer should be warned that whenever he receives an order to degrade national security (like Admiral Boorda) he should consider his life in danger, and take extra security precautions.

Any personnel from BATF, FBI, CIA, FEMA, or other such agencies should be regarded with extreme suspicion. Do not allow ANY such people on ANY installation without being escorted by a superior force!

The scenario for the recent exercise may have some value after all: CIA personnel, or people recruited by the CIA, may pose as a militia unit and try to commit a terrorist act. General anti-terrorist measures do have some value.

Biological threat to CONUS

One last threat must be mentioned: Iraq has planted small groups of people in all the major cities, ready to dispense biological weapons when ordered. A garden sprayer and a carburetor venturi mounted on a vehicle driving down the freeway is all it takes! The biological agents were sold to Iraq ten or so years ago by a lab in Houston owned in part by the Bush family. The biological agents are genetically engineered versions of Bubonic Plague and Anthrax. Each of which is almost always fatal. Bubonic Plague incubates for 11 days before symptoms show. Anthrax incubates for 3 days. In that amount of time, enough can be dispensed to exterminate 90% of the American people!

Rockefeller and company can always get antibiotics, but there's just not enough to take care of the entire population! Such an attack on America would serve their interests in that it eliminates the population most accustomed to receiving the fruits of their labors. Police state sweatshops like Indonesia are now advanced enough to produce all the modern comforts a global slavemaster would want. So (in their eyes) now it's time to exterminate us who feel entitled to a portion of our productivity!

Let's counter the threat!

I recommend that money be secretly channeled out of black programs into production of vast amounts of penicillin. Time may be very short: In the 70s and 80s, the Islamic leaders preached that "in the 90s, the "Great Satan" will strike the heel of Allah." In 1991, we had the Persian Gulf war. That started their timetable. According to their doctrine, on three dates the Islamic world is to strike heavy blows against the "Great Satan." The first of these dates is in July 1997!

The production of penicillin should be kept as secret as possible. Rockefeller and company have secret organizations who infiltrate our institutions. Intelligence and counter-intelligence can get pretty tricky! We also need intelligence to monitor Iraq and the Islamic community to try to know what orders are going out to their agents. The biggest hurdle would be the distribution of antibiotics when needed.

Of course, a better approach would be to root out the units ready to spread the plague to begin with! This would require a major intelligence operation; a risky proposition these days with our intelligence community already so badly compromised!

Our vulnerable infrastructure

Another key point of national security: we need to defend the key points of our electrical distribution grid: the generating stations, and especially the step up transformers that feed the power into the big grid. The Iraqi vengeance units are planning to destroy them just as people are starting to die from the plague. If these transformers are damaged, it would take many years to replace them, even if we still had a healthy population!

Last summer, a transformer tripped off line and started a chain reaction that knocked out the power in twelve states! Out West, people are well behaved and self sufficient. Imagine the chaos that would occur if that happens in the Northeast! Remember the 1967 New York City blackout? Imagine that happening in most of our major cities! Only worse!


There are many threats to our security. I've tried to touch on the highlights of them. I hope this message spurs some action to improve national security. Be warned! The threat is from subversives directly above us on the organization chart! Anyone appointed by Bill Clinton is obviously NOT to be trusted! Hopefully we can network so as to keep a functioning military to defend our country. Be warned! The enemy's primary mode of operation is to infiltrate and subvert! The enemy will try to infiltrate any networking we can do!

All of the information in this message was obtained from various publications, and is available to the general public. (At least to those who bother to look for it!) There are some very good newsletters being published!

In case this message falls into enemy hands (which no doubt it will sooner or later), I have already given it to various people who will be expecting updates from me later on. I recommend that an audit trail be avoided, to make it difficult for the traitors to track down who is aware of their existence. Networking should be done by using the cut/copy and paste features in your software, rather than by forwarding the e-mail. Or better yet, just make paper copies and send them.

Thank you for your attention. I hope this message makes a significant contribution to national security. I'm sure much of it was quite hard to believe, in spite of the fact that so much of it can be confirmed by your own personal observations (if you've been following events at all for the last few years).

Getting straight

The biggest obstacle to people in getting in touch with reality is that it's so hard to admit that you could have allowed yourself to be so thoroughly deceived! The TV networks broadcast their images constantly, and most major publications follow right along. "How could so many media outlets all be saying the same thing if it's not true?" Check out who owns what, and you'll find the answer! You'll see how few people own the controlling shares of how many institutions!

I hope to see some real measures taken to improve security, instead of just more of the same practices that have been failing us for so many years. There is much more to be learned about the true nature of the organized threat against America. You could fill a library with the books and publications that are available! I am willing to offer my services in wading through the flood of information and disinformation to sift out reality from all the media hype. If you want to learn more, please feel free to contact me. You know how to reach me.

Long live the republic!

For more information about the Oklahoma City Bombing, click here:
Oklahoma City bombing...Cover-up? - Click Here!

Or here The Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee

Or here General Partin's Conclusive Report

Now that you're all upset from learning of such a deadly threat, you should read This Will Boost Your Morale.

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