Movement of the Libertarian Left Student Chapters

MLL has always been a campus-based movement, defiantly arising from the ashes of the 1960s Movement and synthesizing the best of the Anarchist New Left caucus of SDS and the Radical Libertarian Caucus of YAF, the first to unite Counter-Economics with Counter-Culture.

Recent victories have been the disaffiliation of the University of Arizona Libertarians from the LP thanks to MLL students Travis Klein and John McCoy; and the defection of Berkeley UC Cal Libertarians activist Daniel Burton, who read the New Libertarian Manifesto during the 2000 campaign for California State Assembly for the LP and promptly told his supporters not to vote for him — or anyone else.

MLL founder SEK3 appeared in April for Burton at a meeting of the Cal Libertarians to explain the history of the Libertarian Movement and why MLL represents it better than the so-called LP. He then went on to debate the LP's finest at San Francisco's Free Exchange and smashed off-campus support for the LP among its contributors and donors.

Tired of sell-out, boring, non-confrontational party-dominated "libertarian" student groups? Want to kick serious statist ass? Toss away your libersign and Nolan-chart toys; grow up, get up and grab a big black banner and hit the streets! That's where the Revolution is happening right now, and it's not waiting for Libertarians to get their act together.

Want your Chapter of Students for a Libertarian Left listed here? eMail us!

Want to connect first with students and others already in MLL? Join the LeftLibertarian List!

No central office will ever attempt to control a local chapter. Ever.

Return, Homey!