Character’s Full Name:
120 lbs
Skin Color:
Pearl White
Hair Color:
Date of Birth:
Actual Age:
Age Appearing:
Style of Dress or Appearance:
Damia wears a long blue dress silted up the sides of her body that exposes the creamy white flesh of the exposed parts of her body. Small golden clasps clasp her dress together at her hips that hold the front and back pieces of the dress together before slitting up once again and rounding around her shoulders and neck.  More small golden clasps hold the pieces of material in place as the slits trail up the sides of her torso.
Damia doesn’t like weapons. She’s never had to use them before since she is against violence of any type. She carries a small dagger sheathed at her thigh and concealed by her dress.
Skills or Powers:
Damia is skilled in many ways. Making up for her lack of skill with weapons she has mastered the arts of various magic. She is very skilled with elemental and time magic, as well as being skillful with a bow and arrow.
Damia has many weaknesses, as well as many skills. For instance, she can’t use weapons save her dagger and a bow. She also can’t stand seeing people suffer, or a loved one being hurt. Like Ghia, she refuses to let anyone harm the people she loves, since the people she loves are in short numbers. Damia is quite emotional when it comes to her past and it is hard for her to open up to others because of it.

Damia is an enigma. There are many unknowns about the young gargoyle, and she doesn’t talk much about her past. Alone for as long as she can remember, Damia has no family of her own. As a child she was passed around to people of various species and statures. Her quick mind and determined ways, allowed her to learn everything she knows by watching the people who took care of her as a child. She isn’t quick to trust since most of the people who took care of her as a child were mean and treated her as an outcast. Fearing what they didn’t understand they would beat and tease Damia, thus causing her shy and wary nature. She did, however, come across a few people who took pride in her and taught her their ways. One such person was a young sorceress who taught her magic and a doctor who taught her how to read and write as well as the use of herbs and let her watch from the rafters as he operated. Damia is a reliable and easygoing gargoyle, the type you want around to help protect and heal, as well as a non-judging shoulder to cry on and a great person to talk to.  She stumbled across her now best friend, Ghia, during a trip to the lake. Damia now resides at the Mordor residence as the mate of Anwar; her love of the Mordor’s growing more each day.  What does fate have in store for this young gargoyle? Where will her path lead and has she finally found the family she so longed for as a child? These questions can’t be answered as of yet. Only time will tell.
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