Character's Full Name: Lee Chaolan
Profession, if any: Buisness Tycoon, owner of Bio Tech.
Species: Human, 1/3 Sylvan Elf
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 121lbs
Skin Color: Lightly Tanned
Hair Color: Silver
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Marks: Tattoo of a silver rose on his left shoulder.
Actual Age: 30, Due to his Elven blood, his appearance remains young, as he ages.
Age Appearing: Early 20's
Birthdate: March 17, 1972
General Style of Dress or Appearance: Lee's Style of dress ranges vastly from white slacks, dark blue under shirts, and vests, to a dark purple muscle shirts, and a pair of black slacks. Always raised as a man of style, he either wares a pair of white boots, or black dextrose dress shoes.
Weapons: Not much of a weapons user unless forced into using them, he only owns a pair of nunchuku.
Skills or Powers: He has -some- magic ability from his Elven blood, his hearing is
rather strong. His martial arts is his main form of protection.
Weakness: Like all humans, he is mortal, and when injured becomes rather weak, his temper which is hardly ever shown can be a large portion of his downfall one day.
History: Lee's life has been a bit chaotic, but he seems to manage it fine. At the young age of ten his father died when he was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from the Bio Tech. Corperation. His mother who was Half Sylvan Elf, left him behind as she was needed to return to her original home as a summoner, to represent them. Left alone, he basicly was raised by his empoyees of the Bio Tech. Corperation, he learned to do the paper work, and keep the buisness runing in perfect working order.As he progressed through out the years into the buisness tycoon he is now. After the development of Project XG-11, an A.I. robot designed to gaurd as well as protect the company, Lee decided to take a vacation, and thus decided to do some camping in spirits of his mother's blood, where he stumbled upon Castle Mordor.