Catholic Thoughts


The Pro-Life section is devoted to thoughts on the dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death.


Catholic Thoughts Homepage

The Pope & the Papacy


Inherent nobility and worth.

(From The American Heritage Dictionary)

A child, not yet born.


"The Church counters the culture of death with the culture of love."
-Pope John Paul II

Mother Teresa's National Prayer Breakfeast Speech
The full text of Mother Teresa's powerful speech in Washington, D.C., February 3, 1994.

Still, Small Voice.
A eyewitness account of the impact and meaning of Mother Teresa’s National Prayer Breakfast speech.

Mother Teresa's Bio
The short bio of this holy woman, who proclaimed the value of every human life by her words and works.

Abortion, Life, Truth, and Love
An article I wrote to present the Pro-Life arguement to a secular audience.

Catholic Thoughts