Home Radio Babes -
Marie-Clair McManus
In the Hot Seat
Where are you from? "Edinburgh"

Age? (very optional!!!)

Earliest memory?
"Taking my socks and shoes off and jumping in a puddle
with my friend when I was years old"

Favourite place?

Favourite music?
"All sorts"

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
"Won the BT TV broadcaster of the year award"

First job?
"Paper round"

Best job?
"Working in Radio and TV"

Dream job?
"Taking Lorraine Kelly's job and working with Jono on Heart
FM in the morning"

How did you get started in doing what you do?
"I got offered the job after bumping into the Program Director of Real Radio at a fun fair"

How long ago?
"3 years ago"

Where would you have been seen or heard since you
started broadcasting?
"I've met Emma Bunton, Will Young, and to many more to mention. Worked
in Memphis covering the 25th anniversary of the Kings death. Far to many
Americans think Elvis is still alive. What a disappoint they got when I
told them he was dead."

Best on-air moment?
"When my colleague at the time told me Lionel
Ritchie had a brother called ma-baz-r-itchie. I believed him."

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
"Can't tell you!"

Describe a typical working day (if there is such a thing!) 
"Long hours, Long hours and guess what...more long hours"

Any ambitions left?

Biggest influence in your life?
"Myself. Because I realised early on that nobody in life will help you to achieve your goals unless you believe in them yourself."

Best advice that you've been given and why?
"Never trust anyone, and never piss anyone off on the way up because you'll meet them on the way down."

Any hobbies or special interests?
"Ski-ing, Bungee jumping, scuba diving, the theatre and the obvious listening to music"

Any advice for those who want to get started in radio?
"Blag your way in and believe in yourself, and most importantly be yourself.

Thanks to Marie-Clair for answering our questions, join her weekdays from 11-3pm on Kinggom FM.