Home Radio Babes - Rachel Healey
In The Hot Seat
Rachel Home
Where are you from?
"A little village in-between Portsmouth and Southampton
- a true country bumpkin."


Favourite place?
"My bed!"

Favourite music?

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
"I won Outstanding Journalist of the Year for my Journo post-grad at
Highbury and got the highest central government mark in 30 years."

First job?
"Mucking out horses"

Best job?
"Working here at Fire."

Dream job?
"Reading the news with Jon Snow on Channel 4"

How did you get started in doing what you do?
"I worked as a PR assistant for an international yacht race and met lots
of inspiring journalists - I grabbed as much work experience with them
all as possible, then went on to do my PgDip in Broadcast Journalism at
Highbury College.."

How long ago?

Where would you have been seen or heard since you
started broadcasting?
"I started off reading the news on Saturdays for Spire FM, and I've now
been dong the late shift at FIRE 107.6 for over a year."

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
"Northern Paul telling Sam and Mark (of Pop Idol fame) that I wanted to
sleep with them to sell my story to the Sun!
(Which obviously wasn't true!!)"

Any ambitions left?
"Lots - National news and TV"

Best advice that you've been given and why?
"To just keep trying and have faith in yourself - it'll happen for you
one day. And working for free will always go down well! I followed both
and managed to get my foot in the door."

Any hobbies or special interests?
"Horse-riding, Snowboarding/Skiing and Portsmouth Football Club."

Thanks to Rachel for answering our questions.

Questions used with kind permission of Mick's World.

Copyright: Martin Phillp/Rachel Healey 2004