Home Radio Babes - Kelly
In the Hot Seat
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We chat to UK radio's most wanted!

Where are you from? 

Age? (very optional!!!) 

Earliest memory? 
"Christ knows!"

Favourite place? 
"Bantham Beach, Devon"

Favourite music? 

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're
proud of? 
"Set up the student radio station at Coventry University"

First job? 
"What, ever, or in radio?  ever, sweeping hair off a
hairdressers floor - it was pants, radio - Kix96FM, in Cov!"

Best job? 
"Here at Virgin of course!"

Dream job? 
"Sorry, but it's this (and chosing music for films)."

How did you get started in doing what you do? 
"Begged, lied, stole, borrowed, no, just worked bloody hard and for free for a couple of years."

How long ago? 
"Only 4 years ago."

Where would you have been seen or heard
since you started broadcasting?
"Kix96FM - Coventry, BBC CWR - Coventry, Oak FM -
Loughborough, 106 Century FM - Nottingham"

Best on-air moment? 
"Don't know really!"

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
"Having various bodyparts revealed to me whilst trying to do a link!"

Describe a typical working day (if there is such a thing!)
"Roll out of bed, walk the dog, maybe have a cup of tea, stroll
in to work, you know the thing!"

Any ambitions left?
"Plenty, but i'm not telling you"

Biggest influence in your life? 
"Everyone, you can learn something
from everyone you meet, see and hear!"

Best advice that you've been given and why?
"Be Yourself - because if you act, you'll fail!"

Any hobbies or special interests? 
"Smoking, eating, few vodkas,
typical girl really!"

Any advice for those who want to get started in radio? 
"Run, screaming for the hills, No.  Do anything you're offered
(maybe not sexual though) but go for it, even if it's a bit pony, but just do
it,and do it with a smile and enthusiasm, everything is important."

Thanks to Kelly for answering our questions.

Questions used with kind permission of
Mick's World.

Copyright: Kelly-Anne Smith/Martin Phillp 2003