Home Radio Babes - Sophie Bruce
In the Hot Seat
Sophie Home
Updated: 15th August 2006

Where are you from?
Born in London, grew up in St Albans, Hertfordshire!

Age? (very optional!!!)

Earliest memory?

My little sister biting a chunk out of my back as I got in the bath
'because it looked nice'. I've forgiven her now though.

Favourite place?
It's a bizarre stalemate between Covent Garden,
Camden Market and Sheffield!

Favourite music?
I like pretty much anything that's not country or death metal but I loooove Hip Hop.

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
I can do 90wpm shorthand (I'm a qualified journalist). And I got Best Female Presenter 1999 at my uni radio station SURE FM but I broke the award in the curry house after the ceremony, so I've never been able to display it!
First job?
I worked an hour a night in a chemist for £2 an hour!

Best job?
Obviously the one I'm in now (my boss may be reading).

Dream job?
It's a toss up between what I grew up with - the Kiss 100 breakfast gig - and Jo Whiley's Radio1 show.

How long ago?
1996 officially, but I was making radio shows
with my best mate as early as 1990.

Where would you have been seen or heard since you started broadcasting?
St Albans City Hospital Radio (Geriatric Ward!), SURE RADIO in Sheffield, Watford's Mercury 96.6 and Hereward FM.

Best on-air moment?

Probably being chauffeured down to London to interview Usher. Shame he was such a tw*t. It was also top dollar doing the backstage show from
Core & T4 on the Beach last year.

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
Having to dress up as Elvis and dance on a roundabout
on his 25th anniversary to give away concert tickets.
Or when I misheard and spent all afternoon advertising a pub dance contest.... which was actually darts. Sorry if you turned up ready to samba.

Describe a typical working day (if there is such a thing!)
Get into work around ten, mainline coffee whilst prepping, do my Core show, have a coffee or three and scarf down some lunch, go on air at Q at 2pm, have a coffee, then go and and watch Big Brother or
get drunk and fall into bed!

Any ambitions left?
Definitely. I'd love to interview some of my favourite artists
and I also want to write a novel (ambitious, I know!) or a hit single.

Biggest influence in your life?
MMy family, friends & my man. Career-wise Zoe Ball,
Jo Whiley & Lauren Laverne.

Best advice that you've been given and why?
Always treat other people how you'd want to be treated yourself, because you never know when you're going to need their help (or be working for them, in this industry!)

Any hobbies or special interests?

Cooking, football (watching not playing), karaoke,
did I mention drinking....?

Any advice for those who want to get started in radio?
Get as much experience as you can - be willing to help out anywhere with anything. And ALWAYS be available, especially on public holidays!

Thanks to Sophie for answering our questions.

Listen to Q103, Sat 11am-3pm
and Core, weekdays 11am-3pm.