"The matter of the heart is the heart of the matter"

Welcome, my friends, to the page that matters. Here, we delve into the topic of Christianity of which my entire life revolves around. Subject matter is not in order at all. They would all be just a collection of thoughts and insight from both my own personal perspective and inspiration from others. I would be updating it from time to time so you might want to check back every once in a while.

It is not my intention to shove things down anybody's throat; but if I could just bring a little light to someone who is willing to go beyond the mouth of religion to find where truth really lies, then I have done my job. Come spend a spiritual moment with me for a minute or two if you will. You just might very well see for yourself that discipleship truly rocks!

"When you had just seen the most magnificent movie of your lifetime would you just go back home and keep it to yourself?"

Quotes to ponder

On this page, you'll find assorted thoughts of wisdom from different folks, some familiar and some not-so-familiar... but nonetheless, they're words worth digging in and learning from. So put on your thinking caps and step right in this way please.


Let go and let God! This may sound like a noble little spiritual cliché, but it describes perhaps the most important lesson we will ever learn.

I am reminded of the story of the man who was climbing a mountain, lost his footing and began sliding toward the edge of a great precipes. Just as he went over the edge, he grabbed a little scrub bush and held on for dear life, dangling over empty space. The bush's root system was starting to pull loose from its tenuous hold on the rocky soil. The man began yelling at the top of his lungs, "Help! Help! Is anyone up there to help me?"

A voice answered, "Yes, I can help you."

Intensely relieved, the man yelled, "Who is it?"

The answer came back, "I'm the Lord."

The man offered his praises and gratitude to God, and then asked, "God, what do you want me to do now?"

The answer came back, "Let go of the bush."

After a long period of silence, the man yelled, "Is anyone else up there?"

Letting go of our own "bushes" in this life is no less challenging. From the time we are born, we want to be in control of our own destiny. We have trouble trusting that others have our best interest in mind or that they have the ability to make correct decisions about our lives. And the greater the possible consequences of our choices, the more difficult to let another control the decisions and events which affect us. Putting God into the equation does not eliminate the challenge. We may say that God is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving, but trusting him at an emotional level is still difficult. May of us have this subject figured out well enough intellectually, but emotionally we lag far behind.

Surrender equals victory. Let go and let God. Simply stated, this concept means that we give up the emotional control of our lives and everything about them. It does not mean that we no longer think or feel or have preferences. But it does mean that we end up facing all decisions with the same heart expressed by Jesus when he said, "Yet not as I will, but as you will." We think and we plan, but we emotionally surrender the final outcome to God. We count the cost by looking at the most extreme possible outcome and then we accept it in advance with our hearts, in case it ends up to be his will. We pray for what we judge is the best solution but are willing to accept the worst scenario if necessary.

When you can face the worst that Satan can throw at you and surrender it to God, then life takes on a new meaning. You can live in another dimension that few ever discover. The Bible clearly says that we can be free of anxiety and full of peace which defies description (Philippians 4:6-7). Most often we are not faced with having to accept a grievous outcome. God is full of grace. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, and he often delivers us from the object of our fears. He is unquestionably on our side, always having our very best interests on his heart. Therefore we must be prepared to face some intense situations during our sojourn on earth. Only one path is open to us if we desire to please God and live without being consumed by fear and anxeity - Surrender!

Gordon Ferguson
"The Victory of Surrender"

The Cross

It's the part that matters the most. Come spend a moment at the foot of the cross with these words of comfort... and let Jesus' blood drip on you. Step right this way ...

Quiet Times

I have gathered ideas and fresh insights on occasional mornings when simple Bible verses has hit my heart like it never has before. I have shared these things with a lot of my friends, brothers and sisters (that is why they are written in a somewhat letter type format). Now I'd like to share some of them with you. Click right here ... and I hope you get something from them.

Confessions of a Country Boy

Welcome to the page which I personally dedicate to my bestest friend in the galaxy - Michael Richardson. The stuff in here are the product of a grateful & passionate heart. If you haven't read Mike's stuff, you haven't known passion. So don't miss out. Click right here to take a journey into the heart of a true man of God.


Get inspired with this collection of written essays, thoughts, poems, stories and other literary pieces that I've gathered from different sources. They're pretty cool; so click right here and I hope you enjoy them.

Forever Young

Okay people, now here's where we journey back to where things should've stayed the way they were... heartwise, that is! Unfortunately, as we grow up we lose more and more of our innocence of evil. And the more knowlegde we attain the more we seem to take hold of our independence from God. The more we get "wise in our own eyes!"  That's just an undeniable fact of life! The gospel teaches that unless we CHANGE and become like little children we will never enter God's kingdom (Matthew 18:3). So I have collected a few little ditties from friends that, in my opinion, should give us valuable lessons in life straight from the heart of children. Things we can learn to be like them and so be the kind of people we need to be for God! So come on in and take a trip into the heart and mind of God's chosen ones... the little children!

First Principles

Come learn the 101's of Christianity, the true Biblical Doctrine that was practiced by the first century Christians when the church was initially established after Jesus' death. Examine the Scriptures, put it into practice and watch your life change for eternity. So open up this page and open wide your heart.

And if you want to learn about the Christian Church's historical background, you can read about it here: Overview of Church History.

Word of the Day

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)

A Private Invitation

By the way, I'd love for you to come check out my Church. It's totally radical, I'm sure sure you'll love it. Go ahead and click it; and see for yourself. And if you have any queries whatoever, I'm begging you to please talk to me about it. We can even chat if you want. Please let me know.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you have enjoyed your stay. Come back soon.

The Webring

Hold on... before you leave, how about checking out some of my other friends' awesome pages as well? Yes that's right, we're a family here. Go ahead and stroll around. You'll be glad you did. And let them know you found it here. Thanks and happy surfing, y'all!








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