
Hello to all of our emailable family and friends...

You may have heard...... We have moved to Eureka, CA. What!!! I know, I'm sorry!! We didn't have much time to work with...

So what happened? I just love telling people about our trip....

Here's the scoop...

On August 11, we flew to Michigan to see my family. On August 18th we returned home. Although my employer is a wonderful man at heart, there was activity at the office that I could not continue working with. On August 21st, after three years of Steve talking about it, I agreed it was time. Steve was having some difficulty in locating full time work (he's been out of work for four years, back injury/recovery).

On August 23rd, Steve drove up to Eureka to start the apartment/work scout. On August 30th, Steve called me from Eureka and said he could get a great deal on a moving truck ($775 round trip; versus the $1400 from San Diego to Eureka one way) but he'd have to drive it home and we would have to be in Eureka in one week.


On September 5th, with the great fellowship of church family, THANK YOU!!!!, we drove away after morning services. God literally got us up to Eureka, no doubt whatsoever in my mind. The drive went well... the only hitch along the way was our last driving night, a stop in Ukiah, where the following morning we found the two passenger tires flat on the truck. But, God was keeping an Eye on us... Steve, blessed with heavy equipment skills, knew it would be best to park the truck (with our car in tow) in the Walmart parking lot (wide open space), across the street from the hotel. So, there was plenty of room for the tire repair people, who just happened to be within sight of us (that was really funny... The Budget rental operator had me on hold forever as he looked for the nearest repair facility, and when he came back on the line, he said the driver could see us from his shop.. amazing). We were on the road in about two hours. That was the only problem on the whole trip. We arrived in Eureka on September 7th. Until we moved into the apartment, we stayed with newly met church family.

On September 9th, I interviewed with a temporary/direct hire agency. During the interview, she asked some weird questions (like, would you be willing to work from 6:30a to 3:00pm?)... How could I say no?... Nothing concrete was said at that point.

On September 11th, exactly one month after flying to Michigan to see family (having no clue we would be moving), we moved into our apartment (1270 Myrtle Avenue #1; Eureka, CA 95501; 707-445-1864). God was with us... the landlady didn't want to approve our application because I didn't have a job yet... I told her about the agency was working through and she called them. They told her not to worry.. I'd be working soon. Yeah!!

On September 13th, Steve started work at the Patriot Gas station in Arcata (a few miles north).

On September 13th, the employment agency called me and said the Sun Valley Farms (www.thesunvalleygroup.com ; a fresh flower distributor) was needing a sales assistant for about 10 sales agents... This company had called in their request to the employment agency the day before I interviewed. So, I went to meet with the Sales Manager. The interview went very smoothly. September 14th, I had the job! I started on September 15th, and I love it there. Their definition of a stressful day is half what I was used to at License-To-Kill Termite (La Mesa). Yeah!! The main focus of my position is to enter flower orders to the warehouse, answer overflow phone calls from the main receptionist, and track freight. I'm jazzed... I literally smile from the start of the day to the end of the day (people must think I'm a little weird)... I just can't help how happy I am there. It's amazing how God has worked for us. ... I found out later that many of the people working there now had to start out on the flower farm or in the mail room, working their way up the ladder into sales. And I just drove into town. With God, the timing is always perfect.

We are getting settled... Thank you for your prayers... Please thank God at your next opportunity.

Oh, and the first Target is opening on October 10. It's crazy. No Walmart. No 7-Eleven. 50,000 people in the general vicinity/outlying areas, and no Target or Walmart. Crazy. They have a Kmart, but it's at the other end of town (oh, maybe six miles away... hee hee).

The weather is much cooler. We're lucky to see 60 degrees on a given day. Today it's overcast, but we've had two weeks of pure sunshine (occasional fog). :-) It would be a historic moment to see 72 degrees, ever. Great weather.

I know that many of you didn't know. I'm sorry!! It was sort of last minute. :-)

My sincerest love and best wishes to you all... I'd love to hear from church family (We so miss you guys!!!)

We found it!! Eureka!!

Caren M.

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