COAR 2003 Election Survey - Guelph-Wellington Results

Name Party Connection with adoption Types of legislation supported for adult adoptee access to original birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Types of legislation supported for birth parent access to adoptee's amended birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Alan McDonald Family Coalition Party       Me opinion on this is simple. A person who gives up a child for adoption has a right to privacy. Myself nor any other person in the world can understand the reasoning for giving a child and then choosing to remain anonymous to the child.

Time changes all. People change their minds. A person who wants to find their natural parent should be given opportunity to do so; without delay. If the natural parent chooses to and agrees to identify themselves, then so be it. If the natural parent chooses to maintain their anouminity then that choice must be respected.

I would support legislation that allowed past, present, and future seekers of natural parents to do so in a timely fashion and maintains the right to choice of the natural parent.

Liz Sandals Liberal       I support the view taken by my Leader, Dalton McGuinty, in the letter he sent you on September 10.

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Page last updated: September 30, 2003