COAR 2003 Election Survey - Huron-Bruce Results

Name Party Connection with adoption Types of legislation supported for adult adoptee access to original birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Types of legislation supported for birth parent access to adoptee's amended birth certificate. Options given:
i) unconditional,
ii) with contact veto,
iii) with disclosure veto)
Shelley Hannah Green Party       My apologies for taking so long to respond to your questionnaire; the flood of inquiries from numerous parties has been somewhat overwhelming for this first-time candidate!!

In any case, the Green Party has no policy as of yet regarding the questions surrounding adoption that you raised. My personal connection with adoption is only through friends who include both adoptees and adoptive parents. And i must say that I feel I would need to learn much more in regard to this issue for my opinion to count for much. However, i consulted with another GPO member and past candidate who has participated widely in drafting GPO policy and so have included her response below.

I will also add that, while the Green Party is clear about directions that we aim to go, we also value the imput and involvement of those most affected by decisions to participate in creating them. Our policy book continues to evolve through the thoughtful input of many. Thus, I invite members of your group to contact the GPO through our Toronto office (416- 929-2397) or our web-site at gpo should any of you have an interest in participating in a process to draft policy that will address your concerns.

From Judy Greenwood-Spears, GPO Health Critic:
From my perspective, I would protect the rights of the parent who gave up the child as the other alternative would have ended the childs life. Funding should follow to clear anybacklog and any parent wanting to find a child would be dependent on the child also submitting thier name for request.

Too many lives are at stake here to go arbitrarily one way or the other in my view.

The parent who gave up the child, also knew they gave up the right to find them and also expected not to be found. The child wants to know other family members and medical history, but at what expense?

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Page last updated: September 22, 2003