

Wally You've always got time for funny one liners from wally.
Yo Mama Because YO MAMA wears combat boots.
HeyRedneck Tons of You might be a redneck if......
Random Joke You won't believe how many jokes this site has.
LicensePlates View license plates from around the world.
gHOST Towns Ever wonder what a ghost town looks like?.
Today What happened on this day? Whose birthday is it?
Works? Designed to show you how stuff works.
Taco Bell Viva Taco Bell...GORDITAS!
Bugnosis Who is tracking the websites you visit? Stop them. Hunt down web bugs!
Email Alibi Postdate email messages to make people think you are online when you are out with friends.
GeoCaching The sport where you are the search engine. Locate GeoCaches in your area. Great fun.
Detroit Ruins Fabulous ruins of Motor City, Detroit. A city filled with abandoned buildings and spray paint art.
TI-8x Programs Downloadable programs for Texas Instrument calculators. Tetris anyone?
Isketch Sketch a picture while everyone in the chatroom tries to guess the word. Online version of pictionary.
Crazy Drunk Ever get supicious phone calls? This office worker received calls from a crazy drunk quite often so he taped them.

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