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Hate Crimes?

By Andrew Hogue; North Central Texas College Republicans founder and charter president

Originally in the Voice of Freedom, Volume I Issue 9

This summer, flipping through one of those gloss USA Weekend inserts in the Sunday paper, I found an interesting little article on the increase of 'Hate Crimes'. I wasted a good 15 minutes of my life reading it. Apparently, this article was a typical knee-jerk reaction to the isolated and racially-motivated Jasper incident, where an afro-american man was tied to a pickup and dragged to death by two undisciplined hate mongers-- You've no doubt heard of the horrific account many times over the summer. I was then led to a side-box titled 'Update on Hate Crimes'. It suggested a website by the Southern Poverty Law Center ( as a summarization of Hate Crimes in America, and the sponsors of a potential solution to hate crimes, 'Teaching Tolerance': a project aimed at school children.

Sounded good to me, although I'm leary of the term 'tolerance', as it tends to suggest 'tolerating' sin rather than loving the person as a fellow human being.

Two of the site's main attractions were their 'Klanwatch' section and the 'Teaching Tolerance' project, mentioned above. The Teaching Tolerance project encourages the viewer to order 8 posters with the theme 'One World' to be given to your local public school's classrooms, as if a one world organization (such as the U.N.) would do a better job of ending racism than we can as Americans. 'Klanwatch' not only chronicled the actions of various Ku Klux Klan organizations around the U.S., but also cataloged a list of 'Patriot Groups', which they feel are disespectful to the government, intolerant to other races and cultures, and support gun ownership. Listed were groups such as The Republic of Texas seperatist movement, Commonlaw Court, The Texas Constitutional Militia, and even United Truckers Defending the Constitution. I thought that they might be scraping the bottom of the barrel by listing that Trucker organization. I was wrong. They did not list MEChA.

"What in the world is MEChA?", you might ask. And you would be justified in asking. It's a small, college-based Chicano group-- Thousands more members than Truckers Defending the Constitution, but small nevertheless. In a paranoid manner, they are attempting to overthrow an 'anglo conspiracy' (The United States government) and restore a mythical legend of a nation called Aztlan, home country of the Aztecs, encompassing most of the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico. A quote from their manifesto: "...we can only conclude that social, economic, cultural, and political independence is the only road to total liberation from oppression, exploitation, and racism. Our struggle then must be for the control of our barrios, campos, pueblos, lands, our economy, our culture, and our political life..." They also propose starting 'revolutionary actions', by taking Mexican-American gangs, and turning their gang violence into organized attacks against government authority.

And the Southern Poverty Law Center is not listing them? Maybe they are not aware of this uprising. Or maybe it is because MEChA is led by a racial minority, and not by whites. Some claim that MEChA is merely trying to reclaim what was rightfully originally theirs. But so is the Republic of Texas, and they have a lot more legal ground and evidence than MEChA. A case can be made for the secession of Texas from the Union, but a clear case cannot be made for the mythical state of 'Aztlan'. So why are they picking on predominately white Republic of Texas, and not MEChA, or Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, or the New Black Panthers? All are disrespectful to the U.S., and the latter 3 are racist. But only one is mostly white. So of course, that is one they pick on.

It is now safe to assume that the Southern Poverty Law Center is promoting racism against Whites. They are saying patriots are evil (just like all those guys who died at the Alamo, right?). That 'Hate Crime' only applies to Whites attacking Blacks, and not the other way around, as in some gang situations. It is undermining the independence and sovereignty of these United States and suggesting a pathetic 'One World' idea to impressionable young children.

And USA Weekend bought their lies.

Perhaps we should start an 'Anti-Patriot Group' listing on the NCTC Republicans' site and start the list off with 'USA Weekend' and the 'Southern Poverty Law Center'.

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