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The Oldest Hymn

Let princes not fall silent,
nor let the blazing stars desist
from making music.
Nor dry the fountains up of roaring rivers,
But let all creatures praise Father, and Son,
and Holy Spirit.
And all powers proclaim in a heavenly host:
Amen, Amen,
He is King of Kings in all eternity,
And the only bestower of all good things.
Amen, Amen!

Notice the similarity to other ancient hymns such as the Doxology or the Gloria Patri. It's probably more similar to a chant than a song from a hymnal. Also, an emphasis is placed on the tri-fold nature of God (The Trinity) which may help to de-bunk those who disbelieve in the three seperate, yet distinct, persons of God who also claim the early church had no such doctrine. This hymn was found on the back of a Roman bill of sale, and it contains approximate musical notes (set for a tenor's voice). It may date to the first century.