designed by the graduate
The Board of Regents, the President, The Faculty,
and the Graduating Class of

The University of North Texas

College of Arts and Science

proclaim the graduation of

Wm. Andrew Hogue

Saturday, the Tenth of May
Two O’clock in the afternoon
the year of our Lord
Two Thousand Three

with a
Bachelor of Science degree
in Journalism,
News-Editorial Sequence,
Double minor in
Political Science and
Communication Design


Commencement cermemony
to be hosted at

UNT Coliseum
"The Super Pit"
North Texas Boulevard
Denton, Texas

Reception following ceremony
United Methodist Center
Avenue B and Maple Street
Denton, Texas
parking provided

Extra Curricular Highlights:
Chief Justice: Student Supreme Court, ‘03
Copy Editor: The North Texas Daily, ‘02
Co-founder: Student Action Initiative, ‘01
Vice-Chairman: College Republicans, ‘00
Assemblyman: Student Association, ‘99
Environmental Effort Award, ‘98

QUESTIONS? For campus map, detailed information, etc., click here. For any other concerns, please contact Andy at