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Pray for Myranda

UPDATE: If you've taken the time to dig this far into my Web site, please take a moment and pray for Myranda, my ex-girlfriend, before you go any further.

March 10, 2005: Praise God! She's out from a bad relationship and on fire for Christ! Please pray for: 1.) Direction for where to live and for her career and/or education; 2.) For her to find a strong network of Christian friends; 3.) For her to learn to be content, and for the allure of worldly pleasure to grow dim in the light of God's glory; 4.) For complete healing for past hurts -- those done to her and those inflicted upon others. Thank you to all who have prayed over the past half-year.

Jan. 17, 2005: The sun peeked out for a while and some prayers were answered. But now she's back in denial and has returned to living with a man in sin and doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Please continue to pray that she'll see the misery in her current situation and for her not to let guilt stop her from leaving in order to start a better life for herself and her future children. At least now she knows there is a better way ... if only guilt wouldn't get the best of her.

Dec. 28, 2004: She's not out of the woods, yet, but she has left her living situation and has decided to pull up stakes and start over. I expect to spend some time with her over the next week and discuss some things. Please continue to pray for Myranda to grow spiritually and to conquer an overwhelming spirit of guilt that has been plaguing her throughout her entire life. May she flee sin and cling to what is pure, good and holy.

Dec. 19, 2004: The prayers of more than a hundred people have been answered! Praise God, for He is faithful and gracious toward us! Keep praying for her to flee her current living situation and pursue godly relationships with honest people. And pray for her family to wake up spiritually.

August 2004: Myranda is making a huge mistake right now and has turned her back on many in her family and the Lord's call on her life. I'll spare the details, but please pray for three main things: 1.) Safety from disease, abuse and financial trouble; 2.) For wisdom and discernment, and that she'll soon learn to "love her soul" (Proverbs 19:8) and take stock in herself; and 3.) For softened hearts, so that she and her friends will repent and reconcile with God. And please pray for me to be patient through all of this. Myranda, if you're reading this, come home! I'll take care of you for as long as it takes. There's a way out (I Corinthians 10:13) and if you can overcome this temptation and do the right thing, "you will never fall" (II Peter 1:10).

Myranda taking a break between sessions at the 2004 RPT Convention in San Antonio

NOTE: The below text is not update

Many of you may remember Myranda from my stories about
the Ardmore protest in May 2003.

Another photograph of the protest in Ardmore in May 2003. She's standing holding a protest sign, approaching a news conference for the runaway Democrat legislators. A photograph of the protest in Ardmore in May 2003. She's standing holding a protest sign.

How I got into this mess:To make what could turn into a very long story short, she and I kept up via e-mail after she left to go stay with her sister for a few months. Her and I were both surprised at how many views, preferences and likes and dislikes we shared -- even a similar sense of humor! While that's not unusual for couples, our similarities became downright spooky the more we got to know each other. We both have ham radio licenses and don't use them much at all anymore, we see eye-to-eye on Biblical doctrine, we were both at one time columnists for a newspaper ... we even have started to laugh alike. I recall one time when she asked me what my favorite candy bar was, and I was about to say "Zero" when she said the same thing (what are the odds?). The list goes on...

After a lengthy correspondence, her return to the States, and a growing admiration and physical attraction to each other, the time had come to see if it was for real. Yep, it was! I went to see her when she was living with her grandparents for a short time in Temple, Texas, and to my surprise, I could not let go of her! Nor could I stop staring at her, talking to her, and learning about the little details of her life. And from what I could tell, she couldn't either!

The best thing about this relationship is that we haven't had a dull moment so far, although things have been relatively unplanned each time we have visited each other. Finally, I've found someone I can live with and not go crazy over trying to keep up with or slowing down for.

Myranda and I at the 2004 RPT Convention in san Antonio

There's no set moment her and I decided to start "dating." After all, it's a long-distance relationship and we were both convinced that we should keep the relationship "lite" until circumstances changed. But when you're in love, that doesn't quite work. We found ourselves calling each other every other night and writing mutliple e-mails to each other per day.

In June, her and I served as delegates to the Republican Party of Texas Convention in San Antonio.

A little about her: Myranda is called to be a minister of Jesus Christ. She grew up in various places, but considers Mosheim, Texas (a small town of less than 100 people in the Texas hill country) to be her main hometown. She graduated from a magnet school in Wichita Falls and completed a semester at Temple College -- and is now contemplating what she wants to do with her life.

Click here for phots from her recent shoot as a swimsuit model.

Created 06/22/04, updated 08/06/04, 12/28/04, 03/15/05