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You Can Represent a Thousand People

from the newsletter The Voice of Freedom Issue 9

"Why should I be involved in politics?", you may ask yourself. In government class, we're taught that a very small percentage (fewer than 45% in a presidential election and as few as 20% or lower in smaller elections) of the American people actually vote. If that is true, and given that there are over 200 million American citizens, you cast the vote of up to thousands of Americans! Why would you turn down that kind of power?

"But I don't know a thing about politics"-- Join the Republican Party! We can show you easy ways that you can help elect fair and honest leaders, and provide you opportunities to make your area or neighborhood more politically involved. It doesn't take a Law School Degree to be involved. Just be yourself! Don't be another faceless dot in the masses of Generation-X. Your individual talents, personality, and opinions make up the social fabric of this great nation. Don't settle for just 'racial diversity', fight for uniqueness! As united individuals, we stand strong!

Our founding fathers invested a great deal of trust in you. Did you know that the constitution not only allows you the right to freedom of speech, religion, and free press, but also the right to own weaponry? See the 2nd Amendment, you also have the right to keep and bear arms and to even take part in a well-regulated militia-- and do your part in protecting your family and community. Not to say that the paramilitary right-wing extremists of today are 100% right, but if our own Constitution allows you to have such power, even to the point of taking up guns and defending against invaders, think of how much trust is invested in you in other avenues of public life.

Yet there are forces that are working to remove you from power. They're coming from all directions: T.V., newspaper, magazines, Democrat congressmen, and even some college instructors. They will suggest that you have no right to own a gun. They claim that we are a 'collective' and not a nation of free independents. They're out to take your hard-earned money and give it to the lazy. They will let you be an individual if you intend on having pre-marital sex and doing drugs, but when it comes to expressing your beliefs on the Constitution, they'll tell you that you're 'intolerant' for believing in the rights of the individual. And if you want to share your beliefs in God? They'll tell you that there is a separation of church and people, and that you cannot share your religion anywhere in publicly owned property.

Protect your power while you still have it.

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